Public schools’ dirty laundry
Public schools’ dirty laundry
Do public schools really serve the public? On November 16th, the United Teachers of Los Angeles held a “Save Our Schools” rally, which was part of the larger American Education Week, a National Education Association creation. Touting NEA’s 2017 theme, “Public Schools for all,” union President Lily Eskelsen García emphatically stated “Public schools are the...
By Larry Sand
More unaccountability from the education establishment
More unaccountability from the education establishment
Too many kids in California are failing, and the powers-that-be are doing nothing effective about it. As I wrote recently, the Big Education mandarins are forever pointing fingers at charter and private schools, claiming they’re “unaccountable.” But in reality, there is no entity in America that is less accountable than a unionized, government-run school system....
By Larry Sand
LA Unified can’t top its high-performing charter schools, so it’s tormenting them to death with bureaucratic rules
LA Unified can’t top its high-performing charter schools, so it’s tormenting them to death with bureaucratic rules
Sacramento – The Los Angeles Unified School District and some of the nation’s highest-performing charter schools are engaged in what one report has called a “game of chicken” – with the fate of 14 of these schools and their nearly 4,600 students hanging the balance. But that suggests this is about two parties engaged in...
By Steven Greenhut
The rise of uncivil education
The rise of uncivil education
This year has not been kind to the land of the free. Due to advancing ignorance and arrogance – a deadly combination – the basic tenets of our republic are in trouble, and public education is at the center of much of what is wrong. While we went through a similar socio-political upheaval in the...
By Larry Sand
How Can Local Officials Prepare for the Upcoming Janus vs AFSCME Ruling?
How Can Local Officials Prepare for the Upcoming Janus vs AFSCME Ruling?
“A public employer shall provide all public employees an orientation and shall permit the exclusive representative, if applicable, to participate.” – Excerpt from California State Assembly Bill AB 52, December 2016 In plain English, AB 52 requires every local government agency in California to bring union representatives into contact with every new hire, to “allow...
By Edward Ring
Disincentive pay for teachers
Disincentive pay for teachers
The way we pay our teachers is outmoded and needs to go the way of the horse-and-buggy. When I first began to substitute teach in Los Angeles in 1985, I learned about “incentive pay.” If a sub was willing to go to “schools in need,” he could earn about 40 percent more than a regular...
By Larry Sand
California school officials use Trump to mask their own failures
California school officials use Trump to mask their own failures
In announcing the end of the DACA program two weeks ago, President Trump seemed to fulfill a campaign promise to kill a program he once declared unconstitutional. But later, the president seemed to call for a permanent legislative solution that would grant resident status to people brought illegally to the country as minors. Tweeting that...
By Cecilia Iglesias
The malice of absence
The malice of absence
Thanks to collective bargaining, traditional public school teachers “get sick” way too often. It’s no secret that many teachers take advantage of the “sick days” that are part of a typical union collective bargaining agreement (CBA). Of course, while sick days are used legitimately by all teachers at some point, many (including yours truly, on...
By Larry Sand
The best defense is to be offensive
The best defense is to be offensive
Anti-school choicers are getting desperate. The traditional public education monopolists are using some truly bizarre arguments to ensure that children remain in government-run schools. In July, American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten intimated that parents who opt out of government schools are equivalent to southern segregationists. Then later in July, Katherine Stewart penned possibly...
By Larry Sand
The Teacher-Shortage Myth
The Teacher-Shortage Myth
There is no dearth of teachers; in fact, we may have too many. A nationwide shortage of teachers threatens quality education, according to the education establishment and its advocates in the media. But as with the population bomb, Y2K, and the devils of Loudon, the reality of the supposed crisis is quite different from its representation. A look...
By Larry Sand
Our unaccountable government-run schools
Our unaccountable government-run schools
Taxpayers are on the hook for the actions of irresponsible school districts, teachers who can’t find work…and very possibly, Tampons. The teachers unions and others in the education establishment love to point fingers at charter and private schools, claiming they’re “unaccountable.” But in reality, there is no entity in America that is less accountable...
By Larry Sand
‘Cherry picking’? Union-run schools dump struggling kids on charters
‘Cherry picking’? Union-run schools dump struggling kids on charters
Sacramento — Teachers’ union leaders hoping to discount the runaway academic success of charter schools have claimed charters lure the best-performing kids, leaving traditional, union-run public schools to handle poor-performing and struggling students. In its statement launching the anti-charter “Kids Not Profits” campaign, for instance, the California Teachers’ Association claimed that charters “cherry-pick the students...
By Steven Greenhut
Charlottesville: Political payday for the American Federation of Teachers
Charlottesville: Political payday for the American Federation of Teachers
The teachers union sees the Nazi rally in VA as an opportunity to further its radical agenda. The American Federation of Teachers is using the Nazi rally in Charlottesville on August 13th as an excuse to launch a massive propaganda campaign against Donald Trump, the right, the Republican Party and everyone else who does not...
By Larry Sand
Google’s fail and teacher jail
Google’s fail and teacher jail
Firing one employee is big news, while not firing hundreds is ignored. Without going through another weedy analysis of James Damore’s firing from Google – Holman Jenkins, George Leef and Nick Gillespie have done a fine job of that – let’s just say the Silicon Valley engineer was canned for stating what most scientists and...
By Larry Sand