We believe every Californian should have the opportunity to flourish.

Factchecking the Factcheckers

Factchecking the Factcheckers

Among the most diabolical innovations of late-twentieth century newspapering was the so-called “factcheck.” The flagship of these projects, Politifact, goes to war against falsehood under a simple banner: “Our only agenda is to publish the truth so you can be an informed participant in democracy.” Factchecking pretends that reporters are godlike – objective, neutral, free...

By Will Swaim

Class Size Lies

Class Size Lies

The number of children in the classroom has no effect on educational achievement. The perennial, “We have a teacher shortage!” canard has a younger and equally bogus sibling known as, “Children do better in a small class setting!” In fact, lower class size is very often on the list of demands when teachers go out...

By Larry Sand

Are Government Pension Funds in Crisis Again?

Are Government Pension Funds in Crisis Again?

If ever there were a case of Chicken Little, it’s the endless squawking over the imminent implosion of public employee pension funds. In California, ever since pension benefits were enhanced, retroactively, starting in 1999, critics have been claiming a pension apocalypse was imminent. But so far, no matter what happens, pension funds muddle through. The...

By Edward Ring

The Education Revolution Rages On

The Education Revolution Rages On

In January, a Gallup poll found that Americans’ belief in grade-school teachers’ honesty and ethics had dropped to 64%, an all-time low. Then in July, another Gallup poll showed that just 28 percent of Americans have “a great deal” or “quite a lot” of confidence in public schools – the second-lowest this figure has been...

By Larry Sand

Prop. 30 Splits California’s Ruling Elite

Prop. 30 Splits California’s Ruling Elite

Even by national standards, state ballot initiative campaigns in California are big time politics. You can run a campaign for U.S. Senator in most states in America for less than it costs to qualify and successfully campaign to pass a statewide ballot initiative in California. Political insiders in Sacramento describe any controversial initiative with well...

By Edward Ring

California’s Unions Are Misusing Their Power

California’s Unions Are Misusing Their Power

On every major issue affecting cost-of-living in California, unions supported political agenda of self-serving ruling elite.   If you go to the “what we do” page of the California Labor Federation, the lead paragraph starts with this sentence: “The California Labor Federation is dedicated to promoting and defending the interests of working people and their...

By Edward Ring

Who Owns the California State Legislature?

Who Owns the California State Legislature?

There is only one answer to this question: Public sector unions. Anyone who argues otherwise is either misinformed or has a personal or professional motivation to delude themselves and others. Before offering evidence of the financial power of public sector unions, consider the power these unions wield that is not explicitly financial. These unions operate...

By Edward Ring

California’s Unelected Tyrants

California’s Unelected Tyrants

Zeroing in on “unelected tyrants” in a state as dysfunctional and regressive as California is not easy. There are too many targets. Even California’s elected state legislators, as they cook up and pass countless tyrannical intrusions into our lives and livelihoods, are themselves “elected” only so long as they pledge obeisance to a powerful coalition of special interests...

By Edward Ring

How the Teachers Union Can Save L.A. Unified

How the Teachers Union Can Save L.A. Unified

Earlier this year the United Teachers of Los Angeles (UTLA) released a report entitled “Burned Out, Priced Out – Solutions to the Educator Shortage Crisis.” Given the universally acknowledged challenges facing public K-12 education in California, this report merits serious attention. The UTLA represents teachers in the Los Angeles Unified School District, which with over 500,000 enrolled K-12 students is...

By Edward Ring

Do American Students’ Lives Matter?

Do American Students’ Lives Matter?

The results of the first post-lockdown National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) were released on June 1, and they showed anything but progress. Most subgroups took a big hit, but Blacks and Hispanics suffered the greatest damage. Peggy Carr, commissioner of the National Center for Education Statistics, which administers the test, said, “These results are...

By Larry Sand

U.S. Schools Get Bad Marx

U.S. Schools Get Bad Marx

This article previously appeared on frontpagemag.com. My father was a liberal Democrat. He worshipped FDR and didn’t care much for the GOP. His parents were staunch Republicans, and the political discussions I remember from the 1950s were always entertaining – if not a bit confusing – to this eight-year-old. Importantly, while my dad was a liberal,...

By Larry Sand

“Housing First” Policies Create More Homelessness

“Housing First” Policies Create More Homelessness

Earlier this month a guest column in San Jose Spotlight defended efforts by homeless nonprofits to end homelessness in Santa Clara County. The author, Ray Bramson, is Chief Impact Officer at the nonprofit “Destination Home,” a tax exempt organization that collected over $62 million in contributions and grants in 2020. The CEO of this organization made a reported $335,404 in that...

By Edward Ring

Enormous Amounts of Money Flow into the Bottomless Education Pit

Enormous Amounts of Money Flow into the Bottomless Education Pit

This article originally appeared on frontpagemag.com   Spurred by the Covid panic, schools have been the recipient of ungodly sums of money. And it’s not as if the beast was starving before. To put things into perspective, the U.S. spends about $800 billion on national defense, more than China, Russia, India, the U.K., France, Saudi...

By Larry Sand