Prop. 16 is Real Racism to Combat Perceived Racism
Prop. 16 is Real Racism to Combat Perceived Racism
Lest anyone be tempted to suggest this analysis is written under a pretense of journalistic indifference, let’s make its ideological position clear: Affirmative action, preferential hiring or admissions, or legislatively enforced quotas of any kind – based on race, gender, religion, income, or anything else relating to an identifiable “group” – is counterproductive, if not...
By Edward Ring
The Audacity of Woke
The Audacity of Woke
While Covid-19 has a shelf life, “Woke-20” shows no sign of abating. With many schools across the country shuttered due to Covid-19, the woke zealots are in a bit of a snit. They can’t indoctrinate students with their one-sided radical views in the traditional classroom because, well, there is no classroom. Doing it online, you...
By Larry Sand
Will a Wealth Tax Make California’s Wealthy Flee?
Will a Wealth Tax Make California’s Wealthy Flee?
If you’re rich, there aren’t too many places on earth better than California to live. Sure, there are the perennial earthquakes and wildfires, but those are more than made up for by the Mediterranean climate and the scenic splendor; the Pacific Shore, the High Sierra. And apart from these natural disasters, nothing is wrong with...
By Edward Ring
When Approving a $7 Billion Bond Proposal, Did the LAUSD Board Violate the Brown Act?
When Approving a $7 Billion Bond Proposal, Did the LAUSD Board Violate the Brown Act?
As reported in the Beverly Press and elsewhere, the “the Los Angeles Unified School District Board of Education voted unanimously to place a $7 billion school construction bond issue on the November ballot which would allow the LAUSD to continue its multi-year effort to upgrade school facilities.” Writing for CityWatch on August 6, Jack Humphreville had this to say about this big new...
By Edward Ring
The Wealth Tax Steals Money and Time
The Wealth Tax Steals Money and Time
Can you imagine having to do an inventory and net worth calculation every year? Let alone potentially being audited and having to prove that values were not intentionally understated? It’s not only financial robbery, it’s time theft! – Senator John Moorlach, Moorlach Update, August 14, 2020 What Senator Moorlach is referring to is Assembly Bill 2088, which...
By Edward Ring
The nightmarish Biden/Harris ticket is the teachers union’s “dream team.” “You don’t just have a partner in the White House, you’ll have an NEA member in the White House.” Referring to his wife Jill, presidential hopeful Joe Biden uttered those words at the virtual National Education Association convention in early July. He also expressed dissatisfaction...
By Larry Sand
A Pension Recommendation for the California Teachers Association
A Pension Recommendation for the California Teachers Association
This week a fascinating article on the website of the Education Intelligence Agency revealed that the California Teachers Association, one of the most powerful labor unions in the world, is itself having labor problems. Moreover, the labor problems they’re encountering are because they’re trying to be fiscally responsible. Setting aside for a moment all the grievances that education reformers...
By Edward Ring
And the Edu-Razzie Goes to….
And the Edu-Razzie Goes to….
The teachers unions keep racking up dubious awards. In the past week, I have seen cashiers, cops, postal employees, pharmacists, doctors, receptionists, nurses, bus drivers and others who work directly with the public remain on the job. Maybe they realize that if they don’t work, they will have no income. Maybe they have a sense...
By Larry Sand
Distinguished Speaker Series: Will Swaim
Distinguished Speaker Series: Will Swaim
The Pacific Club hosts a distinguished speaker series each month for its members. August highlighted CPC’s President, Will Swaim. If you are having trouble playing the video, click here.
By California Policy Center
Inform Employees and Employers About Their Janus Rights
Inform Employees and Employers About Their Janus Rights
In 2018, the United States Supreme Court issued its landmark Janus decision, confirming that it’s unconstitutional for government employers to deduct union dues or fees from employee paychecks without the employee’s permission. In other words, no employee whose workplace is represented by a government union can be forced to pay any part of his or...
By California Policy Center
California’s Public-Sector Unions Rake in $921 Million in Annual Revenue
California’s Public-Sector Unions Rake in $921 Million in Annual Revenue
There is no special interest in California that wields more influence over state and local politics than public sector unions. At every level of government, from the office of the governor to a school board managing a district with only a few hundred students, public sector unions are omnipresent. With rare exceptions, to defy their...
By Edward Ring
Subsidiarity must become a reality in education
Subsidiarity must become a reality in education
The one-size-fits-all regimen for schools needs to end. Originating in the Catholic Church, subsidiarity is an organizing principle that stipulates “matters ought to be handled by the smallest, lowest or least centralized competent authority.” And our times are most definitely screaming for this simple but powerful concept to be applied to schooling. A perfect example...
By Larry Sand