Time to Bring California Out of the Municipal Reporting Stone Age
Time to Bring California Out of the Municipal Reporting Stone Age
California brands itself as the global leader in technology and innovation. Yet when it comes to modernizing state and municipal government financial reporting, the Golden State is stuck in the digital stone age. Currently, California’s local governments submit their Annual Comprehensive Financial Reports (ACFRs) — audited financial statements, detailing financial positions and changes in a...
By Andrew Davenport
Should voters approve new taxes without seeing the books?
Should voters approve new taxes without seeing the books?
As Californians head to the polls, voters statewide will be deciding on whether to approve hundreds of millions of dollars in local tax hikes and new government bonds. The problem? Over two dozen cities, counties and school districts are asking for more money, but elected officials in those jurisdictions don’t even know what their financial...
By Andrew Davenport
California’s High-Risk Dashboard is Gone Without a Trace but Should Not be Forgotten
California’s High-Risk Dashboard is Gone Without a Trace but Should Not be Forgotten
Last October, California’s State Auditor took down a dashboard that had been tracking the financial health of high-risk cities in California since 2019. Just another loss for transparency in the Golden State. Providing important public data and key financial metrics for over 470 California cities, the dashboard was an essential tool for holding local governments accountable for...
By Andrew Davenport
Wake Up California: Free Market Energy Solutions Work
Wake Up California: Free Market Energy Solutions Work
While California continues to enact draconian climate laws and regulations that hinder the state’s economy, Texas has taken the lead in driving clean energy production. New data from energy think tank Ember reveals that after trailing the Golden State for years, Texas is now outpacing California as the nation’s leading producer of power generated from...
By Andrew Davenport
California Lawmakers Sacrifice Education for Politics with AB 1955
California Lawmakers Sacrifice Education for Politics with AB 1955
While California faces a significant decline in educational outcomes, student enrollment, and a fiscal crisis, progressives in the state legislature are more concerned with targeting parents than improving schools. Assembly Bill 1955, introduced by Assemblyman Chris Ward (D-San Diego), aims to ban parental notification policies passed by a growing number of California school districts over...
By Andrew Davenport
Temecula Teachers Want Education, Not Indoctrination
Temecula Teachers Want Education, Not Indoctrination
Many teachers in California are fed up with the political activism of their teachers’ union that is not aligned with the interests of educators and students — and often disrupts and derails classroom instruction in favor of political agendas. A case in point is the United Educators of San Francisco, which recently issued statements calling...
By Andrew Davenport
Parents are Not Radicals
Parents are Not Radicals
Across the nation, parents are pushing back against inappropriate and hyper-sexualized content in K-12 schools. This organic parent movement is erupting across diverse demographics — in stark contrast to the PR effort by teachers unions and Democrats to fictionalize it as a “Christian nationalist white supremacist” campaign to “ban books.” Earlier this month, Muslim parents in...
By Andrew Davenport