Criminal Justice Reform

Police Unions Behaving Badly

Police Unions Behaving Badly

Itching to get rid of your crummy boss? Consider employing a private eye to tail him, tag his car with a GPS tracking device, and then attempt to nail him for drunken driving. If the mood strikes you, follow him to Las Vegas, or sic a voluptuous woman on him in a bar and secretly...

By Lucy Morrow Caldwell

Does Police Union Power Erode Accountability?

Does Police Union Power Erode Accountability?

The horrific Boston bombings already have led to calls for more security cameras and more police officers, with some Democrats absurdly using this tragedy as a reason to stop the slight sequester-mandated cuts in federal spending growth. Never mind that police spending primarily is a local matter. The bigger questions that Americans have rarely asked,...

By Steven Greenhut

Fullerton Police Union Intimidates Reform Candidates

Fullerton Police Union Intimidates Reform Candidates

Many people were outraged this summer after a private investigator, with ties to a law firm that represents 120 police unions in California, made an apparently false police report that a Costa Mesa councilman stumbled out of a bar, appearing drunk, and was weaving all over the road as he drove home. When police showed...

By Steven Greenhut