California GOP Defectors Aid Unions
California GOP Defectors Aid Unions
The three Assembly members who joined with Democrats at a union-sponsored rally to oppose government cuts to In-Home Supportive Services — Jim Silva of Huntington Beach, Brian Nestande of Palm Desert and Paul Cook of Yucca Valley — didn’t betray their conservative principles. They never had any such principles. But they did betray the GOP...
By Steven Greenhut
Clark County Nevada Commissioner Confronts Firefighters Union
Clark County Nevada Commissioner Confronts Firefighters Union
Best wishes to Clark County Commissioner Steve Sisolak who is still justifiably after firefighters over fraudulent sick leave. Please consider Sisolak calls for investigation of firefighter sick leave: In 2009, Clark County Commissioner Steve Sisolak began looking hard at Fire Department costs. He had received a deluge of angry calls and e-mails from constituents wondering...
By Mike Shedlock
California Does NOT Need A Tax Increase
California Does NOT Need A Tax Increase
Governor Brown has a budget shortfall of $28 billion. He seeks to get $12.5 billion from spending cuts. That is 44.6% of what needs to be done. Please consider California’s Brown Unveils $12.5 Billion in Spending Reductions California Governor Jerry Brown’s budget will cut spending by $12.5 billion, including as much as a 10 percent...
By Mike Shedlock
Shameful Attack, or Necessary Adjustment?
Shameful Attack, or Necessary Adjustment?
Last week former Clinton labor secretary Robert Reich wrote a commentary entitled “Someone Has to Stop This Shameful Attack on Public Employees,” which was published on Business Insider. Reich’s comments, which essentially attribute these “shameful attacks” to an assortment of “Republican tricks,” invite a rebuttal, especially since he claims “the right’s argument is shot through...
By Editor
Wall Street & Public Sector Unions
Wall Street & Public Sector Unions
One of the greatest misconceptions on the left may be the suggestion that “us” refers to workers (hopefully unionized workers), along with government programs and regulations, and “them” refers to big business, their friends on Wall Street, and their puppets in government. At the risk of merely presenting an opposing paradigm that is equally over-simplified,...
By Editor
Paycuts vs. Layoffs – Unions Sacrifice Their Own
Paycuts vs. Layoffs – Unions Sacrifice Their Own
Here is a story of a laid-off firefighter blaming the wrong thing for his woes. Meet Jason Pickering begging for money. “We took an oath to save people’s lives … and the city just threw us to the curb,” Jason Pickering told WGN-TV. The 34-year-old Pickering, a 10-year department veteran and one of 34 Gary...
By Mike Shedlock
Unions & Pension Funds
Unions & Pension Funds
U.S. House Resolution 6484, the “Public Employee Pension Transparency Act,” will finally require public employee pension funds to adhere to the same regulations that govern private pension funds. The reason for this is clear enough – by not reporting sufficient information about the financial status of these massive funds, there is greater potential for them...
By Editor
Solutions to Unionized Government
Solutions to Unionized Government
Please watch this CBS 60 Minutes interview on the crisis that states face. I have been talking about this for several years while most bloggers and nearly all of mainstream media have ignored the story. It is no longer possible to ignore the story. State Budgets: Day of Reckoning – CBS 60 Minutes Unlike the...
By Mike Shedlock
Cincinnati Threatens to Outsource Police
Cincinnati Threatens to Outsource Police
Cincinnati, like every union-plagued city in the country is having huge budget problems over untenable union wages and pension benefits. Big problems call for big actions. I am pleased to report that several thinking members on the Cincinnati City Council proposed to outsource the entire police department to the local sheriff’s association. Unfortunately, the mayor...
By Mike Shedlock
Democrats vs. Public Sector Unions
Democrats vs. Public Sector Unions
It should come as no surprise that principled Democrats are realizing that public sector unions, through relentless demands for ever higher compensation and benefits for public employees, are crowding out the social programs and infrastructure projects that Democrats love. And it is no coincidence that in the cities and counties across America where Democrats still...
By Editor
California Budget Cuts Coming – Expect Union Fearmongering
California Budget Cuts Coming – Expect Union Fearmongering
California’s “Fantasy Land” budget finally comes to light of day. Jerry Brown said “We’ve been living in fantasy land. I’m shocked. The mess is much worse than I thought.” In turn, educators and unions were shocked by Jerry Brown’s and state treasurer Bill Lockyer’s statements “cuts are coming”. Brown promised more cuts but no tax...
By Mike Shedlock
Minnesota Governor Confronts Unions
Minnesota Governor Confronts Unions
Tim Pawlenty is the latest governor to take on unions, public sector unions in particular, as evidenced by his Wall Street Journal commentary of December 13th entitled “Government Unions vs. Taxpayers.” While it is important to note that Republicans are only somewhat immune to the agenda of public sector unions, the fact that Republicans took...
By Editor
Nonpartisan Public Sector Union Reformers
Nonpartisan Public Sector Union Reformers
Labor luminaries such as George Meany and FDR agreed on the dangers of a unionized government. More recently, prominent Democrats such as California’s former assembly speaker Willie Brown, or current San Francisco supervisor Jeff Adachi, have found themselves criticizing or confronting public sector unions. The reason is clear – private sector unions must be reasonable...
By Editor
Addressing the Symptoms, Not the Disease
Addressing the Symptoms, Not the Disease
The mixture of unions and politics, is this debilitating disease destroying our government? Newscasters and political talk show hosts continue to rail at the symptoms of an administration run amok and America’s inevitable path to oblivion. They rant about the deficits, the expensive programs, sleazy politics, idealism, the road to socialism, and what we must...
By Dave Bego