Union Threatens to Block Apple, Inc. “Spaceship” with Environmental Lawsuit
Union Threatens to Block Apple, Inc. “Spaceship” with Environmental Lawsuit
Perhaps the Service Employees International Union-United Service Workers West deserves grudging praise and respect for refusing to bow to American idols. Few groups have the gumption to challenge or criticize Apple, Inc., one of America’s most admired corporations. Apple generally gets away with commercial activity that the Left would slam relentlessly if practiced by other...
By Kevin Dayton
Union Backroom Deal on Convention Center Pays Off in San Diego
Union Backroom Deal on Convention Center Pays Off in San Diego
Only a few advocates of fiscal responsibility and limited government have comprehensively and widely engaged in the business of state and local governments in California over many years. They recognize with dismay that union leaders and their cronies have become adept at evading the constraints of republican constitutional government. Unions have learned how to circumvent...
By Kevin Dayton
California Construction Unions Circumvent Public Scrutiny of Project Labor Agreements
California Construction Unions Circumvent Public Scrutiny of Project Labor Agreements
A common and enduring complaint of the political Left is that constitutional structures established in the country’s republican form of government hinder progress and subvert the democratic will of the people. According to such thinking, those constitutional structures need to be reformed and modernized so that government can be more “democratic.” A few astute political observers...
By Kevin Dayton
Tough Commute? Scrap Davis-Bacon Act
Tough Commute? Scrap Davis-Bacon Act
Liz and I traveled this past Labor Day weekend. We drove from Crystal Lake, Illinois to a golf resort in Manistee, Michigan. Traffic was bad in the Chicago area as expected, but exceptionally slow traffic continued all the way through Indiana, and even into Michigan, all along I-94 until we reached Michigan 31. M-31 breaks off from...
By Mike Shedlock
Revised List of Union Actions in 2013 Under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)
Revised List of Union Actions in 2013 Under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)
California State Senate President pro Tem Darrell Steinberg is still talking about changes to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) as the legislature works through its last two weeks in session in 2013. His vehicle for CEQA amendments – Senate Bill 731 – is still alive. It contains language that would supposedly help developers of urban...
By Kevin Dayton
Something is Bothering California Union Leaders and Lobbyists
Something is Bothering California Union Leaders and Lobbyists
Something is bothering union leaders and lobbyists in California. A few unreconstructed troglodytes in the hinterlands still haven’t received the memo explaining how unions will lead the state in its evolution to a more Progressive society, under the firm but benevolent hand of government authority. The typical political, business, and community leader in California today...
By Kevin Dayton
Some Republican State Legislators in California Push the Union Agenda
Some Republican State Legislators in California Push the Union Agenda
It seems that some Republicans in competitive California state legislative districts have devised a strategy for political survival: join the Democrat leadership in supporting the union legislative agenda. And siding with the unions seems to reap campaign contributions, so why not? Ordinary Californians aren’t yet recognizing any clearly-defined Republican alternative plan for constructively governing California under...
By Kevin Dayton
Union Environmental Appeal of San Jose Infill High-Rise Fools No One
Union Environmental Appeal of San Jose Infill High-Rise Fools No One
Today (Tuesday, August 13, 2013) construction trade unions either showed exceptional arrogance or exceptional foolishness when they chose to exploit the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) against a high-profile “infill” project in downtown San Jose. For the past few years, some California state legislators have wanted to discourage CEQA actions meant to advance objectives unrelated...
By Kevin Dayton
After 33 Years, San Diego Submits to State Prevailing Wage Law
After 33 Years, San Diego Submits to State Prevailing Wage Law
This afternoon (Tuesday, July 30, 2013), the San Diego City Council voted 5-4 to cease taking advantage of its constitutional right to establish its own policies concerning government-mandated wage rates for construction contracts. It adopted a proposal from Mayor Bob Filner to submit to state law and require its construction contractors to pay “prevailing wage”...
By Kevin Dayton
Unions Extensively Interfere with California Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant Permitting
Unions Extensively Interfere with California Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant Permitting
Earlier this week, www.UnionWatch.org posted the article Did Unions Hasten Demise of California’s Solar Thermal Power Plants? For the first time, the public can examine a comprehensive compilation of specific evidence showing how construction trade unions have exploited the state’s environmental protection laws to impede licensing of proposed solar thermal power plants at the California Energy Commission. But what about proposed solar photovoltaic power...
By Kevin Dayton
Did Unions Hasten Demise of California’s Solar Thermal Power Plants?
Did Unions Hasten Demise of California’s Solar Thermal Power Plants?
Below is the first organized compilation of documents showing what appears to be an aggressive, deliberate union campaign to impede government approval of solar thermal power projects in California. (Organized documentation of extensive union interference with government approval of more traditional solar photovoltaic power projects in California will be released soon.) These innovative proposed solar...
By Kevin Dayton
Finally Got It! Secret Union Deal for San Diego Convention Center
Finally Got It! Secret Union Deal for San Diego Convention Center
Through relentless and tedious persistence and a willingness to disturb “the Establishment” of the country’s eighth most populous city, the Coalition for Fair Employment in Construction (based in California) has finally succeeded in obtaining and exposing a document revealing how the office of former San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders (a Republican) arranged a secret and...
By Kevin Dayton
Collect Them All: Environmental Objections of California Unions in 2013
Collect Them All: Environmental Objections of California Unions in 2013
Attendees of the annual leftist “Netroots Nation” conference in San Jose, California on June 20-23, 2013 had ample opportunities to learn how to use the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) to advance the labor union political agenda. They could have attended a June 22 panel (CEQA: An Example of Linking Environmental and Labor Movements) on how...
By Kevin Dayton
Judicial Council of California Imposes Project Labor Agreement on San Diego Courthouse
Judicial Council of California Imposes Project Labor Agreement on San Diego Courthouse
Excerpts from four documents (obtained from California’s Administrative Office of the Courts on June 5, 2013 through a public records request) reveal the successful behind-the-scenes plot within the California court system involving top staff of the Administrative Office of the Courts and the Judicial Council to give construction trade unions monopoly control of the $586 million new San Diego County Central Courthouse with a Project Labor Agreement. Although...
By Kevin Dayton