Karolina Grabowska, Creative Commons via Pexels
National Review’s Radio Free California Podcast Episode 206: California Lawmakers Propose State Takeover of Health Care

Will Swaim


Will Swaim
January 13, 2022

National Review’s Radio Free California Podcast Episode 206: California Lawmakers Propose State Takeover of Health Care

Assembly Bill 1400 would double California taxes and transform doctors into virtual state employees. Gavin Newsom’s new budget aims to signal his “global leadership” on global-climate issues but reveals instead his documented failures to achieve more modest goals at home. The remarkable, 21-year run of California’s standout auditor ends with a crucial fight over her replacement. Los Angeles Times columnist Michael Hiltzik says we ought to dance on the graves of vaccine refuseniks who die from Covid-19 — but he’s the same guy who savaged the vaccine when he thought it might improve Biden’s 2020 election chances. Bonus Track: Historian John Bicknell discusses the life of John C. Frémont, U.S. Army officer, Bear Flag Revolt leader, and first U.S. Senator from California. Music by Metalachi.

Listen to the new episode: HERE

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