Image by Wesley Tingey via Unsplash
Response to Court Temporarily Delaying Parental Notification Policy in Chino Valley Unified School District

Response to Court Temporarily Delaying Parental Notification Policy in Chino Valley Unified School District

SAN BERNARDINO —  State Attorney General Rob Bonta has declared war on California parents and local school boards. After school boards across the state adopted a Parental Notification Policy, Bonta filed a motion to prevent the Chino Valley Unified School District (CVUSD) from implementing the policy approved by the school board in July. A San Bernardino Superior Court judge today granted Bonta’s motion to temporarily delay the policy from going into effect in CVUSD until the court can consider Bonta’s lawsuit in full.

The judge admitted he did not have time to fully read the school district’s response since Bonta filed his motion last week.

Bonta asked the court to prevent CVUSD from implementing the policy on the grounds that it was discriminatory against, and violated the privacy rights of, transgender and non-binary minors in K-12 schools. But CVUSD’s Parental Notification Policy does not prohibit students from changing their name or pronouns, or participating in sex-segregated school activities or using school facilities that do not match their sex at birth. It simply requires that district schools notify parents if their child is choosing to do so.

“The attorney general’s lawsuit is a political gimmick to intimidate school boards, nothing more,” said Lance Christensen, Vice President of Education Policy and Government Affairs at California Policy Center. “Bonta is using the power of his office to scare other school boards that are considering adopting parental rights policies. They should not be intimidated.”

“Gov. Newsom and other state officials are on a mission to strip parents of their rights and give control over their kids to the government,” said Christensen. “A battle line has been drawn in California over this question: Who has ultimate authority over our children?”

“The U.S. Supreme Court has repeatedly affirmed parents’ rights to direct the upbringing, care and education of their children,” Christensen said. “The law is on the side of parents and ultimately parents will prevail.”


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