Legacy Gifts

Include CPC In Your Legacy Plan

By including the California Policy Center as a beneficiary in your will, retirement plan, or life insurance policy, you can ensure that your legacy will support future generations of advocates and leaders for years to come.

About Bequests

About Bequests
Making a charitable gift from your estate allows you to meet financial and tax goals while supporting the mission of the California Policy Center.

A bequest may be right for you if:

  • You want to make a gift to the California Policy Center.
  • You want to leave a legacy – not a tip for the IRS.
  • You want the flexibility to change your mind.
  • You want continued access to your wealth in case you need it.
  • You are concerned about outliving your resources.

For specific language you can use to leave a lasting legacy with the California Policy Center select an option below:

Restricted/Unrestricted Gift

Designate your gift for a specific purpose, or support
 CPC’s most pressing need.

Restricted / Unrestricted Gift

Designate your gift for a specific purpose, or support
 CPC’s most pressing need.

Beneficiary Designation

Use retirement, life insurance,
or other assets to give to CPC.

Each option only requires filling out a simple form from your plan administrator, insurance company, bank, or broker. Download our white paper for details.


Our team would be delighted to answer your questions about giving strategically to CPC. You can reach out to Jackson Reese today. jackson@calpolicycenter.org