Government Union's New Taxes on Working Californians Stopped in Legislature – For Now

By Jon Coupal
It’s been a long year in the Capitol for those of us who advocate against higher taxes, crushing regulations and wasteful government spending. The good news is that California taxpayers have prevailed in virtually all the major tax fights this year. The bad news is that, because the legislature convenes for two-year sessions, this is...

TAGS: California Legislature, government unions, Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, Prop. 13

Is California's Union-Controlled Legislature Waking up to Pension Problem?

By Jon Coupal
Is it possible that the California Legislature is finally coming to grips with the public employee pension crisis? We certainly hope so. For years, our political leadership has behaved more like ostriches with their heads buried in the sand regarding the many billions of dollars of “unfunded liabilities” in California’s pension funds. Unlike most retirement...

TAGS: California Legislature, CalPERS, CalSTRS, Jon Coupal, public employee unions