On the chopping block: Gov. Brown joins the chorus of those predicting coming pension cuts

By Steven Greenhut
Sacramento Lo and behold, it’s not just pension reformers and critics of the state’s massive pension funds who are worried about the sustainability of California’s pension systems. At a press conference announcing his proposed budget last week, Gov. Jerry Brown made some astounding comments. “When the next recession comes around,” he said, “the (next) governor...

TAGS: CalPERS, Jerry Brown, pensions

Bill would make meal-delivery services ripe for union organizing

By Steven Greenhut
Sacramento — One of California’s burgeoning “new economy” business models is the meal-subscription plan, by which companies such as Blue Apron send recipes and prepackaged gourmet ingredients to subscriber’s homes – everything they need to prepare a fresh meal. It’s great for folks who like to cook, but have little patience for grocery shopping. Blue...

TAGS: California Legislature, Jerry Brown, Unions

Cap-and-trade passage is about raising taxes, divvying up the spoils

By Steven Greenhut
Sacramento What were Gov. Jerry Brown, legislative Democrats and eight Republicans thinking Monday, as they voted to extend the state’s cap-and-trade system for another decade, something that will impose higher gas taxes on Californians who already face a recent gas-tax hike? Are officials ignoring public rumblings, or was Brown’s doomsday rhetoric about global warming really...

TAGS: cap and trade, Jerry Brown

Another California Local Government Gives Unions a Contract Monopoly to Get State Funding

By Kevin Dayton
Numerous California elected officials are condemning President-Elect Donald Trump’s proposal of immigration-related conditions for local governments to obtain federal grants. But at the same time, California elected officials are imposing their own union-related conditions for local governments to obtain state grants. Local control is obviously not the principle at issue. There is now a second case in 2016 of a California local government voting to give unions monopoly...

TAGS: Fresno Bee, Governor Jerry Brown, Jerry Brown

School District's Bond Controversy Reveals Rising Concern About 'Pay-to-Play'

By Conor McGarry
CUSD’s Kirsten Vital  In the space of just a few months, state officials have suddenly turned their attention to a problem in the public-educational shadows: insider dealing among California school district officials and outside vendors. In a January opinion, state Attorney General Kamala Harris concluded that school officials had become too cozy with companies that...

TAGS: Capistrano Unified School District, Jerry Brown, John Chiang, school bonds

Gov. Brown says yes to school finance reforms inspired by CPC study

By Will Swaim
For Immediate Release August 18, 2016 California Policy Center Contact: Will Swaim Will@CalPolicyCenter.org (714) 573-2231 SACRAMENTO — It’s rare that a think-tank study produces real reform, but it happened today when Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law a bill designed to stop school officials before they recklessly spend again. Assembly Bill 2116 began one year ago with...

TAGS: Jerry Brown, school bonds

Government Created Energy Blackouts Coming to a City Near You

By Katy Grimes
Most countries around the world think that it’s a good thing to have cheap energy. But in California, we have plenty of cheap energy available, just not the political will to access it. California depends on natural gas-driven turbines and hydroelectric generators to provide just 38 percent of its oil needs. The state imports 12 percent...

TAGS: California, California budget, California Legislature, cap and trade, debt, Democrats, economy, electricity, energy, Government, Jerry Brown, Katy Grimes, regulations, Sacramento

High Costs of Pro-Union Agreements & Policies Negates Transportation Tax

By Jon Coupal
According to my father, in the 1950s and ’60s, California had the best transportation agency in the entire world. But all that changed with the election of a new, anti-growth, small-is-beautiful governor by the name of Jerry Brown. Now, fast forward 40 years. Governor Brown, version 2.0, proposes a budget that assumes a big increase...

TAGS: California Legislature, Jerry Brown, Project Labor Agreements, Senator John Moorlach

More Borrowing for California Educational Construction in 2016 (Section 2 of 9)

By Kevin Dayton
See the complete California Policy Center report For the Kids: California Voters Must Become Wary of Borrowing Billions More from Wealthy Investors for Educational Construction (complete, printable PDF Version, 4 MB, 361 pages) Links to all sections of this study readable online: Executive Summary: “For the Kids” – Comprehensive Review of California School Bonds (1 of 9)...

TAGS: Borrowing for School Construction, Jerry Brown