The Numbers Behind CARB’s Goal of “Net Zero”

By Edward Ring
Nearly every analysis of energy policy in California, to the extent it delves into the numbers, tends to focus on one variable, CO2. But if you’re just trying to figure out how much energy we use today, where it’s coming from, and where we intend to source the clean energy of tomorrow, data on CO2...

TAGS: carbon emissions, net zero

The Uplifting Potential of Practical Infrastructure Choices

By Edward Ring
It’s understandable that the people running a state as wealthy as California, with a culture of pioneering innovation going back nearly two centuries, would be inspired to set an example to the world. This negates the argument that even if Californians achieve “net zero” emissions of carbon dioxide, it won’t make a bit of difference. ...

TAGS: co2, electric, energy, energy production, infrastructure, net zero