We believe every Californian should have the opportunity to flourish.

School Choice Wins Across the Nation

School Choice Wins Across the Nation

The school choice movement is accelerating across the nation as more state legislatures pass laws that empower parents to use tax dollars to send their child to the best school for them. Support for school choice is also skyrocketing among voters across demographics. Among likely voters, a survey by the Invest in Education Coalition found...

By Sheridan Karras

SB 292: Is California Ready for School Choice?

SB 292: Is California Ready for School Choice?

You can add Arkansas to the list of states that have enacted universal school choice legislation this year. In just three months, Republican governors in Iowa and Utah, and now newly-elected Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders, have signed laws creating statewide Education Savings Account (ESA) programs that empower parents to use state education dollars to...

By California Policy Center

Unionized Public Education is Destroying California

Unionized Public Education is Destroying California

Behind any popular mass movement there are often good ideas and noble objectives. Public sector unions—including teachers’ unions—are no exception.  Organized labor, ideally, offers collective power to ordinary workers and provides a counterweight whenever business interests become exploitative. How to regulate that balance is a topic that deserves vigorous and ongoing debate, but most of...

By Edward Ring

Lone Star Bound

Lone Star Bound

Frisco, Texas — nestled in the north Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex — has been making headlines for the number of companies flocking to the city to take advantage of its business-friendly environment and rapid growth. This month, the Frisco Economic Development Corporation (FEDC) released a statement highlighting the city’s impressive 2022 track record, having welcomed sixteen...

By Sheridan Karras

Barnstorming California on Education Reform

Barnstorming California on Education Reform

California’s primary and secondary education system is broken. I don’t need to list the parade of horribles — we all know them. We are failing the next generation. With your input, I would like to find a better way. You’re skeptical that any reform of value can be achieved in California. I get it. I...

By Lance Christensen

The Covid Lockdown Disaster: Three Years Later

The Covid Lockdown Disaster: Three Years Later

Beginning in March 2020, many bad decisions were made that will impact untold numbers of young people for the rest of their lives. There has been nothing but awful news about the unnecessary Covid-related shutdown of American schools. Study after study and a mass of anecdotal evidence show the harm done by the forced lockdowns....

By Larry Sand

Unions Are Behind California’s Latest Wealth Tax Proposal

Unions Are Behind California’s Latest Wealth Tax Proposal

If at first you don’t succeed, try again. This adage applies well to ideas for new ways to tax Californians. Every election cycle we see new ways to be taxed, and higher tax rates, but rarely will we see a tax get repealed. So it is that Assemblyman Alex Lee (D, San Jose) has introduced Assembly...

By Edward Ring

California Per Capita General Fund Spending Doubles – Where Is It Going?

California Per Capita General Fund Spending Doubles – Where Is It Going?

California’s state government is spending twice as much as it did a decade ago, and by every metric that matters to ordinary Californians, things have only gotten worse. Even without further analysis, this is an incredible fact. California’s state government, in constant dollars, is spending nearly twice as much per resident as it did a...

By Edward Ring

Voters Approve Over $3.0 Billion Per Year in New Local Taxes

Voters Approve Over $3.0 Billion Per Year in New Local Taxes

When state ballot initiatives propose new taxes, it’s big news. But while every election features a handful of state tax and bond proposals that get statewide attention, additional hundreds of local state and bond proposals fly under the radar.  Fortunately, after each election cycle and once all the votes are certified – something that in...

By Edward Ring

Mogul Migration

Mogul Migration

Among the most notable people taking part in the Exodus from California are the tech and finance elite. More and more high-profile business leaders are losing their patience with California’s anti-business regulatory morass, sky-high tax rate, and unreasonable cost of living. In 2017, entrepreneur and author Tim Ferriss left Silicon Valley for Texas. Ferriss cited...

By Sheridan Karras

Celebrate School Choice Week by Learning about Education Options

Celebrate School Choice Week by Learning about Education Options

This month, we celebrated and honored the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., a man who fought for equality and a quality education for all children. More than fifty years later, too many of our district schools are failing Latino families. This is the social justice issue of our generation.  More than half of...

By Cecilia Iglesias

Rethinking Transparency and Accountability: Part 1

Rethinking Transparency and Accountability: Part 1

Virtually everyone in local government claims to champion transparency and accountability, but few attempt to define either of these terms or identify what conditions support and maintain them. Too often, municipal leaders rely on gimmicks and process to demonstrate that their government organization is meeting these laudable goals, rather than focus on building the culture...

By Mark Moses

Rethinking Transparency And Accountability: Part 2

Rethinking Transparency And Accountability: Part 2

As with transparency, accountability is championed in government settings. Government officials and employees must be accountable to the public for the decisions they make and the money they spend, but what is really meant by accountability, and how should we think about it in a local government context? The best description of accountability that I...

By Mark Moses

How to Save Your School District From the Coming Financial Crisis

How to Save Your School District From the Coming Financial Crisis

The teachers-union-backed California School Boards Association (CSBA) is warning school officials that a financial crisis is coming for the state’s hundreds of school districts. CSBA’s advice: Beg for a handout. “At a time when 25 cents of every dollar received by local schools goes toward pension obligations, districts and county offices of education need more...

By California Policy Center