We believe every Californian should have the opportunity to flourish.

Tracking Political Spending by Government Unions

Tracking Political Spending by Government Unions

With a rough top-down analysis, it’s easy enough to estimate how much government unions collect and spend every year in California. They have roughly a million members, paying roughly $1,000 per year in dues. That would be one billion dollars per year. They spend about a third of that to fund political campaigns for candidates and ballot...

By Edward Ring

How to Be a Successful Politician in California

How to Be a Successful Politician in California

The following conversation never happened. It is for the reader to decide to what extent, however, this conversation reflects political reality in California today.   Candidate (C): It’s a surprise that you contacted me. I never thought I would run for office, I don’t know how to run a campaign, and I’m not well informed...

By Edward Ring

The Bureaucratic Erasure of Culture, Identity, and Freedom

The Bureaucratic Erasure of Culture, Identity, and Freedom

Exploring the roadways of California yields scenery evoking two distinct worlds. On the big freeways, surrounding every major interchange, the 21st century asserts itself in an agglomeration of concrete and glass boxes surrounded by lakes of asphalt, each festooned with a recognizable corporate logo. Food. Fuel. Lodging. The corporate power they represent is reflected in...

By Edward Ring

Forgotten Local Elections, Unforgettable Consequences

Forgotten Local Elections, Unforgettable Consequences

Thanks to California’s ridiculous policy of mailing ballots to voters a full month prior to election day, and allowing “early voting,” I had already completed and submitted my ballot when I realized that was a mistake. After voting for a local school board candidate who I had some familiarity with and thought might be a safe choice,...

By Edward Ring

Move over, California. Is Colorado the new land of opportunity?

Move over, California. Is Colorado the new land of opportunity?

High-profile California companies continue to join the wave of businesses fleeing a highly taxed, heavily regulated California for more business-friendly environments. You can add Colorado to the growing list of states that former California employers and employees now prefer to call home. Virta Health, a biotech company that specializes in diabetes treatment, announced in late...

By Sheridan Karras

On the Nation’s Report Card, Teachers Unions Get an F

On the Nation’s Report Card, Teachers Unions Get an F

In light of recent test scores and the proliferation of CRT, America’s future is not promising. The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) – known as The Nation’s Report Card – “gives us a window into the state of our K-12 education system.” The results provide educators, policymakers, elected officials, and parents across the country...

By Larry Sand

San Francisco’s $1.7 Million Public Toilet

San Francisco’s $1.7 Million Public Toilet

If you want to know where California’s headed, dragging the rest of America in its wake, consider the $1.7 million single public toilet San Francisco is going to install in the city’s Noe Valley neighborhood. Don’t hold your breath, by the way, because if we’re lucky, the toilet will be available to the public sometime in 2025....

By Edward Ring

Student Achievement Disparities in California

Student Achievement Disparities in California

California parents are understandably exasperated with the alarming achievement disparities among K-12 students in the state. State and national performance assessment rankings show that California’s traditional public schools are some of the worst performing in the nation. And while poor school performance affects students of all backgrounds, low-income and minority students are disproportionately impacted. The...

By Sheridan Karras

Government Union Money Dwarfs Corporate Influence in California Elections

Government Union Money Dwarfs Corporate Influence in California Elections

The disparity in fundraising in California between Democrats and Republicans is systemic. From statewide offices to local races, government unions — not corporations — make or break candidates, and it’s not even close. A survey of  California’s Secretary of State website will debunk any suggestion that Democrats are protecting California’s citizens from the big bad corporations. If...

By Edward Ring

Voting for the Kids

Voting for the Kids

While there is no shortage of issues to consider when marking ballots on Election Day, education matters should be high on the list. All citizens, taxpayers, and parents, of course, have a stake in righting our wayward educational ship. Fortunately, the political angle has been front and center since parent-friendly Republican Glenn Youngkin beat out establishment Democrat...

By Larry Sand

The Unamazing Randi

The Unamazing Randi

James “The Amazing” Randi, who died at age 92 in 2020, began his career in the 1940s as an illusionist and escape artist. But eventually he became a “disillusionist” who traveled the country “exposing seers who did not see, healers who did not heal, and many others.” Then there is the head of the American...

By Larry Sand

The Education Exodus Advances

The Education Exodus Advances

In August, it was reported that over the past two school years, children whose public schools were shuttered during the Covid panic were much less likely to return when they reopened. According to the American Enterprise Institute, k-12 enrollment in the 2020-2021 school year had declined by 2.7%, or about 1.2 million students nationwide. But...

By Larry Sand

California’s Government Unions Continue Steady Decline

California’s Government Unions Continue Steady Decline

Boosted by Covid emergency funding, California governments have gone on a hiring frenzy, but membership in California’s government unions has hit a 20-year low, documents obtained by California Policy Center show. State and local government payroll records, obtained by CPC under the state’s Public Records Act, reveal that governments have added some 200,000 new employees after four...

By California Policy Center

Happy Bond Season!

Happy Bond Season!

Here’s what you should know about school bonds before you go to the ballot box.  Published October 7, 2022 Toolkit: Understanding School Bonds Every election cycle, school districts throughout California put school bond measures on the local ballot. These bonds are often promoted as necessary to repair dilapidated and unsafe schools, but in reality, the...

By Sheridan Karras