Venice Beach’s Monster on the Median
Venice Beach’s Monster on the Median
When President Trump arrived in Los Angeles on Tuesday, he had a few words to say about the city’s homeless problem. “We can’t let Los Angeles, San Francisco and numerous other cities destroy themselves by allowing what’s happening,” the president told reporters. “In many cases came from other countries and they moved to Los Angeles or...
By Edward Ring
Local and State Initiatives – The Future of Policy in California?
Local and State Initiatives – The Future of Policy in California?
Grassroots activists in California point to the initiative process as a potent and underutilized last resort, capable of ushering in sweeping reforms. They’re right, but the initiative process is equally available to California’s progressives, backed by powerful special interests. And while the activist reformers talk, the progressives act. How else does one explain the hundreds...
By Edward Ring
Failing education, lawsuits and parental choice
Failing education, lawsuits and parental choice
A literacy lawsuit is due to go to trial in October, but little will change if it is successful. Americans are shockingly weak in civics. The latest Annenberg Public Policy Center survey finds that only 39 percent could name the three branches of U.S. government and less than one-quarter know that Congress has to muster...
By Larry Sand
Politicians who accept Government Union money betray the public
Politicians who accept Government Union money betray the public
Public sector unions should be illegal. They have very little in common with private sector unions, which, properly regulated, play a vital role in society. The differences between public sector and private sector unions are significant. For example: 1 – Private sector unions cannot be unreasonable in the demands they bring to negotiations with management,...
By Edward Ring
The Enemies of American Infrastructure
The Enemies of American Infrastructure
Between 2008 and 2019, China opened up 33 high speed rail routes, connecting 39 major cities along four north-south and four east-west main lines. The 18,000 mile network runs trains at an average speed of around 200 miles per hour. By 2030, the Chinese expect to double the mileage of their high speed rail network by expanding...
By Edward Ring
Greenlighting classroom disruptions
Greenlighting classroom disruptions
A new law that bans school suspensions for defiance is on the books in California. Yesterday, Gov. Gavin Newsom signed SB 419 into law, which extends the current K-3 ban for suspensions for “defiant and disruptive” behavior to grades 4-8. The law suggests that “restorative justice practices, trauma-informed practices, social and emotional learning, and schoolwide positive...
By Larry Sand
Teacher union mandates lead to teacher shortages
Teacher union mandates lead to teacher shortages
The unions treatment of teachers as interchangeable parts does great damage to the education process. In my post last week, I gave ample proof that the claim of a nationwide teacher shortage is bogus. For example, in California, where the teachers unions insist that teachers are “leaving the profession in unprecedented numbers,” there is no widespread...
By Larry Sand
The Real Reason Behind the Drive to Unionize Charter Schools
The Real Reason Behind the Drive to Unionize Charter Schools
Want to know another reason California’s teachers unions are desperate to unionize charter schools? They want the leverage to force these schools to participate in CalSTRS, because CalSTRS charges all its participants the same pension contribution rates. This is a truly amazing, grotesquely unfair, astonishing scam. It means that new schools have to pay for...
By Edward Ring
The Teacher Shortage Data Shortage
The Teacher Shortage Data Shortage
“The false cry that there is no teacher shortage must not go unchallenged.” In recent times, one cannot go far without hearing piercing screams emanating from the education cognoscenti and teacher union poohbahs about the national teacher shortage. But, then again, this hysteria is hardly new. The above quote came from The Journal of the...
By Larry Sand
California’s Mandatory Ethnic Indoctrination
California’s Mandatory Ethnic Indoctrination
California’s state legislature is on the verge of mandating an “ethnic studies” course in order for a student to graduate from high school. Why not? Today in California, K-12 public school student enrollment is only 23 percent “White not Hispanic.” Based on current immigration and fertility statistics, California’s demographics will eventually become America’s demographics. If America were the melting pot it...
By Edward Ring
SATIRE: California State Superintendent bans finger guns in schools
SATIRE: California State Superintendent bans finger guns in schools
The following was written for the “Fake News or Real” quiz on National Review’s Radio Free California podcast. –Editor After a string of non-fatal gun battles in California’s classrooms, Superintendent Tony Thurmond announced new guidelines on Tuesday to ban the use of finger guns. “This ends now! We must act! We can’t just sit around...
By Koppany Jordan
Readin’, writin’, and proselytizin’
Readin’, writin’, and proselytizin’
More than ever, parents must be vigilant regarding what goes on in their child’s school. It is officially “back to school” season and, thusly, a time to remind parents that they must be very aware of what their kids are learning in school. Though I have written about this subject many times, it cannot be...
By Larry Sand
The Density Delusion
The Density Delusion
For decades, American workers have watched as their ability to enjoy middle class lifestyles erodes away. Conventional explanations abound. American industry in the immediate aftermath of World War II was uniquely unscathed, and with a near monopoly on global manufacturing, it was able to pass much of the ample profits on to workers. It wasn’t...
By Edward Ring