Friedrichs Case Petitioners: For Want of a Justice
Friedrichs Case Petitioners: For Want of a Justice
Karen Cuen has more than a casual interest in Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association, which was argued before the U.S. Supreme Court in January. She is one of the parties to a case whose future course became unclear following the Feb. 13 death of Justice Antonin Scalia. Cuen is a music, band, and choir teacher...
By Jason Hart
Los Angeles Department of Monopoly and Power
Los Angeles Department of Monopoly and Power
Educating students is far from the #1 priority of the school board and the teachers union in LA. On February 11th, LA School Report released an internal Los Angeles Unified School District document which stated that just 54 percent of seniors in LA are on track to graduate. The drop off from 74 percent last...
By Larry Sand
The Coulson Effect on Education
The Coulson Effect on Education
An education free market stalwart leaves us way too soon. On February 7th, Andrew Coulson tragically passed away at age 48 from brain cancer. As Senior Fellow in Education Policy at the Cato Institute, he led the charge for free market reforms in education. An unapologetic capitalist, he believed that the market would inevitably lead...
By Larry Sand
Union Greed
Union Greed
The Chicago teachers’ pension scam exemplifies what unions claim to hate most about corporations. Chicago, long known as the Second City, may still be second in some things, but it seems to be #1 in teacher union greed. As it’s time for a new contract with the Chicago public school system (CPS), the inevitable blather...
By Larry Sand
Supreme Court Tone Appears to Favor Ending Agency Fees to Unions
Supreme Court Tone Appears to Favor Ending Agency Fees to Unions
Last month a group of California teachers fighting mandatory union fees at the U.S. Supreme Court had, by all appearances, a good day. Supreme Court justices seemed receptive to the arguments brought by teachers in the Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association case. If the case is successful, Rebecca Friedrichs and other government workers across the...
By Jason Hart
Positive Impact
Positive Impact
Michelle Rhee’s teacher evaluation system has shown itself to be effective in D.C. public schools and has left the teachers unions on the sidelines…for now. Back in 2010, the Washington, D.C. public school system (DCPS) introduced IMPACT, an evaluation system whose goal was not only to identify and retain good teachers, but pay them bonuses....
By Larry Sand
Progressivism, Unionization and Political Correctness Are Destroying Public Education
Progressivism, Unionization and Political Correctness Are Destroying Public Education
Even a brief glance at the 1908 7th and 8th grade reading lists or the 1895 Salina, Kansas 8th grade exit exam graphically illustrates the profound decline in public education produced as a consequence of the progressives who dominate our academic institutions and federal government. Less obvious is the threat this presents to the future of the American Republic....
By R. Claire Friend
Fixing Z Mess
Fixing Z Mess
National School Choice Week aims to end our Zip-code Mandated Education System (Z MESS) and promote parent-power. You: I’m going out to dinner tonight. Me: You are going to the restaurant down the street from where you live, right? You: No, it’s not very good. I am going to a restaurant across town; it has...
By Larry Sand
Why ALL Government Union Activity is Political
Why ALL Government Union Activity is Political
In the Friedrichs case before the U.S. Supreme Court, the core of union-supporters’ argument is that government employees should be forced to pay fees to a union because they benefit from union activities. Not paying the union, they say, makes an employee a free rider. Or, as The Atlantic put it recently: “Rebecca Friedrichs is...
By Jarrett Skorup
Bye-bye Abood?
Bye-bye Abood?
SCOTUS appears to be ready to dump mandatory public employee union dues payments. Last Monday, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the Friedrichs v California Teachers Association lawsuit. The case centers around whether or not teachers and other public employees should be forced to pay dues to a union as a condition of employment...
By Larry Sand
Friedrichs Means Choice for Children and Teachers
Friedrichs Means Choice for Children and Teachers
It goes without saying that education and economics go hand in hand. For most parents, regardless of race or class, part of the American Dream is for our children to attend safe, family friendly, high-quality schools with great principals, teachers and support staff. As parents, we imagine that special day when our children graduate high...
By RiShawn Biddle
Unionization Push Threatens Alliance College-Ready Public Schools
Unionization Push Threatens Alliance College-Ready Public Schools
“Join the movement for schools L.A. students deserve.” You’d be forgiven for thinking that meant schools that offered the best outcomes for their students. Instead, it’s the banner the United Teachers of Los Angeles is marching under in its “struggle” with the Los Angeles Unified School District and the “fight against the corporate parasites lined...
By Scott Kaufman
CTA press release reveals the union’s agenda toward education spending…and its utter disregard of reality. Last week California Teachers Association president Eric Heins issued a press release that shows the union’s ignorance – or avoidance – of facts. It begins with, “Educators are encouraged to see the Governor use his proposed state budget and revenues...
By Larry Sand
Friedrichs vs. the CTA Ruling Could Restore Free Speech Rights of Government Workers
Friedrichs vs. the CTA Ruling Could Restore Free Speech Rights of Government Workers
In less than one week the U.S. Supreme Court will begin to hear arguments in the case Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association, to determine whether unions can force public employees to fund speech through collective bargaining with which they might disagree. The case could result in a landmark decision impacting the First Amendment rights of millions...
By Edward Ring