Union Hooey on Display
Union Hooey on Display
Even with a “victory” in Chicago, teachers unions are still under attack, and their buzz words, doublespeak and bunkum are becoming ever so transparent. After striking Chicago teachers went back to work last Wednesday following cialis super active a seven day walk-out, their union declared a victory. While the school district did get some concessions,...
By Larry Sand
A word that is not in the dictionary but should be, “povertism” aptly describes the philosophy of the “povertists,” aka the “poverty is destiny” crowd. It is claimed by many that poverty leads to a myriad of personal and social ills. The regnant theme of these poverty cultists is that until we eradicate poverty, unemployment,...
By Larry Sand
Chicago Teacher Strike Pits Liberal Democrats Against Unions
Chicago Teacher Strike Pits Liberal Democrats Against Unions
Chicago’s public school teachers went on strike last week over a modest plan to extend their work day and subject them to the type of standardized performance testing they typically administer to students. The walkout provided a fresh reminder that teachers unions exist to expand the pay and protections for teachers, not to help “the...
By Steven Greenhut
More Money for Education?
More Money for Education?
Hell no. It’s time to stop pouring money into a bottomless pit. Not a week goes by without a gloom and doom story on the National Education Association website exhorting us to “invest” more in education lest the children of America be shortchanged. For the educrats and unionistas who are still trying to sell this...
By Larry Sand
Will California Voters Reelect Supporters of Union Project Labor Agreements?
Will California Voters Reelect Supporters of Union Project Labor Agreements?
Election results for recent ballot measures in the cities of San Diego, Chula Vista, Oceanside, and El Cajon and in the County of San Diego confirm consistent poll results showing that California voters want their local government officials to solicit bids for taxpayer-funded construction contracts under fair and open competition. They don’t want their local governments to require their contractors to sign...
By Kevin Dayton
Feel Good Movie Angers Union Boss
Feel Good Movie Angers Union Boss
Showing how painful the truth can be, AFT boss Randi Weingarten goes bonkers over a new film in which a teachers union is presented fairly. Won’t Back Down, a movie due to open nationally on September 28th, centers around two determined mothers, one a bartender and the other a teacher, who team up and try...
By Larry Sand
Douglas County Colorado School Board Rebels Against Teachers Union
Douglas County Colorado School Board Rebels Against Teachers Union
Three members of the Douglas County School Board have floated proposals to terminate dealings with teacher’s unions. Three board members proposed three separate ballot questions, each chipping away at what have been traditional district-union relationships in the affluent county south of Denver. Should the district be prohibited from using public funding for the compensation of...
By Mike Shedlock
Chutzpah on Steroids
Chutzpah on Steroids
An audacious article asserting that teachers unions are good for kids may have fooled some people fifty years ago but now should be viewed as a modern fairy tale. AlterNet, a far left website that among other things extols the virtues of Communist wretch Howard Zinn, posted an article by Kristin Rawls – are you...
By Larry Sand
Class Warfare and Two-Faced Union Bosses
Class Warfare and Two-Faced Union Bosses
Teacher union bosses’ hypocrisy plunges to new depths. After the recent congressional vote to keep the Bush-era tax cuts in place, National Education Association President Dennis Van Roekel lamented on the union’s website, Today House Republican leadership gave the richest two percent another handout, while pulling the rug out from under millions of children and...
By Larry Sand
No Love for Irreplaceable Teachers
No Love for Irreplaceable Teachers
According to a recent study, many public schools do not retain their best teachers – the “irreplaceables.” Is anyone surprised? A study released a couple of weeks ago by the New Teacher Project – now known as TNTP – claims that urban schools…. …are systematically neglecting their best teachers, losing tens of thousands every year...
By Larry Sand
“While the union’s behavior is disturbing, it certainly isn’t shocking.”
“While the union’s behavior is disturbing, it certainly isn’t shocking.”
American Enterprise Institute research fellow Michael McShane’s comment addresses the bullying effort by the Louisiana teachers union. (h/t Jay Greene.) Recently the Louisiana Association of Educators threatened to sue private schools if they participate in the Pelican State’s new voucher program. As the Wall Street Journal reports, Teachers unions allege that sending public dollars to...
By Larry Sand
Pollution Driven Unionism
Pollution Driven Unionism
AFT president Randi Weingarten trots out “solution driven unionism,” but her “solutions” are anything but. As if Detroit didn’t have a zillion other problems, the American Federation of Teachers decided to have its every-other-year convention there last week. In Michigan, a forced union state, I guess AFT figured they’d have a captive audience. On opening...
By Larry Sand
San Diego and Sacramento Asking Voters to Approve Over $3.0 Billion in Construction Bonds with Union Mandated Labor Agreements
San Diego and Sacramento Asking Voters to Approve Over $3.0 Billion in Construction Bonds with Union Mandated Labor Agreements
Two California urban school districts notorious for requiring their construction contractors to sign Project Labor Agreements (PLAs) with construction trade unions will be asking voters to approve huge bond measures in the November 6, 2012 election. Voters have overwhelmingly approved two large bond measures during the past 15 years for both the San Diego Unified School District and the...
By Kevin Dayton
Don’t Buy NEA Snake Oil
Don’t Buy NEA Snake Oil
The teachers union uses bogus numbers to con the public into believing that education needs more funding. The National Education Association is relentless in its quest to raise taxes. In its latest gambit — “Massive Budget Cuts Threaten America’s Children” — the union claims that “…America’s schools have added 5.4 million students since 2003.” The...
By Larry Sand