Upgrading American Public Education
Upgrading American Public Education
Bill Gross has a Plan to Fix the Fractured U.S. Job Market. However, before you can fix any problem you have to understand what the problem is. Interestingly, Gross seems to have a handle on some aspects the problem. Here are two key points from the article on which I agree with Gross. If we...
By Mike Shedlock
Wrestlers of the World, Unite!
Wrestlers of the World, Unite!
Only on Planet Teacher Union can obnoxious American wrestlers and a potentially cataclysmic political situation in the Middle East be utilized to advance the teachers unions’ agenda. My never ending quest to find something good that teachers unions do for children or taxpayers has led to some pretty strange dead ends, but lately we have...
By Larry Sand
Progressive Education Circus Goes to Washington
Progressive Education Circus Goes to Washington
The folks who have resisted real education reform will attempt to sell their broken ideas, tax-the-rich schemes and radical socialism in D.C. next month. Sorry to be the bearer of unpleasant news, but the SOS (Save Our Schools) March on Washington — an attempt to con the public by diverting the debate away from real...
By Larry Sand
You Don’t Need a Weatherman to Know Which Way the Union Wind Blows
You Don’t Need a Weatherman to Know Which Way the Union Wind Blows
Twenty years of schooling in Los Angeles and you’re lucky if you can get any job, let alone one on the day shift. Bob Dylan penned the words in the headline (sans the union part) almost a half century ago but having been quoted by many, they live on. The latest example of the lyrics’...
By Larry Sand
Do You Really Know Who is Teaching Your Child?
Do You Really Know Who is Teaching Your Child?
Hookers plying their trade while government turns a blind eye. Consequences for sexual perverts? No, the state doesn’t seem to care. Whistle blower fired for exposing massive corruption. Rampant nepotism in government jobs. Private bureaucratic empire using public funds. The above could probably pass as blurbs for a sequel to the movie Chinatown. But while...
By Larry Sand
CTA, Transgender Clownfish and Our Children
CTA, Transgender Clownfish and Our Children
The very creepy sexualization of young children, a part of the teachers unions’ progressive agenda, goes on unabated. In the past few years, teachers unions in the United States have gotten into the perverse business of sexualizing children. I first wrote about this phenomenon several years ago. In 2004, the National Education Association gave its...
By Larry Sand
The Tea Party and the Teachers Unions
The Tea Party and the Teachers Unions
Teachers unions wield great power in determining school board races, but with state legislation and Tea Party activism, their power is being diminished. As I write this, a school board election held in Los Angeles on May 17th is too close to call. Even with the backing of Mayor Villaraigosa, Luis Sanchez is still lagging...
By Larry Sand
Teachers Unions Keep Fiddling While Public Education Burns
Teachers Unions Keep Fiddling While Public Education Burns
There are too many tenured incompetents and criminals who are teaching our children. The unions’ “reforms” will do little, if anything, to get these undesirables out of our nation’s classrooms. As we all know, Navy SEALs recently killed terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden in Pakistan. Unfortunately, it seems that it was easier to flesh out...
By Larry Sand
CTA Desperation Days in Progress
CTA Desperation Days in Progress
Cindy Sheehan, Code Pink and a band of fringe groups have joined the California Teachers Association protest in Sacramento. We are now in the midst of California Teachers Association’s desperation week or as they are calling it “state of emergency.” At the crux of the issue is that Governor Jerry Brown will unveil his revised...
By Larry Sand
Teachers Unions Continue Their Assault on School Choice
Teachers Unions Continue Their Assault on School Choice
CTA and CFT sponsor legislation that imperils charter schools in California. On April 27, Rasmussen Reports released the results of a poll which addresses American voters’ sentiments about our public schools. Some of the more interesting findings are: • 72% say taxpayers are not getting their money’s worth from our schools, while only 11% think...
By Larry Sand
The Intersection of U Street and Main Street Does Not Exist
The Intersection of U Street and Main Street Does Not Exist
The teachers unions’ radical agenda alienates them from the American mainstream. As I mentioned in last week’s post, during the week of May 9th, the California Teachers Association and many local unions, like the United Teachers of Los Angeles, will be taking to the streets in an attempt to convince legislators and citizens that cuts...
By Larry Sand
CTA Days of Desperation Coming to Your Town
CTA Days of Desperation Coming to Your Town
Fearful of taking a financial hit, California Teachers Association will be taking to the streets and declaring a “state of emergency.” But I have some questions for them when the demagoguery begins. With California in a world of fiscal trouble and many people sick and tired of the unrealistic perks and benefits gained by collective...
By Larry Sand
CTA Planning Massive Protests in May
CTA Planning Massive Protests in May
Facing budget cuts, the California Teacher’s Association has declared a “State of Emergency” and is planning statewide actions during the week of May 9th. UnionWatch has obtained links to documents being used to prepare CTA members, such as this “State of Emergency Plan” approved by their leadership council. Here is an excerpt from this plan:...
By Editor
When the Anti-Bulliers Become the Bullies
When the Anti-Bulliers Become the Bullies
California Teachers Association backs SB 48 – radical legislation that will reinterpret history, hurt children and cost the taxpayers money. As one who tries to keep up with the latest teacher union doings, a trip to the California Teachers Association legislative page is always illuminating. Recently, I found that the powerful teachers union testified in...
By Larry Sand