Climate Data Refutes Crisis Narrative
Climate Data Refutes Crisis Narrative
On September 16, with great fanfare, California Attorney General Rob Bonta announced his office had filed a lawsuit against five major oil companies. Accusing them of knowingly misleading the public regarding the alleged harm that fossil fuels would inflict on the climate, Bonta’s office seeks billions in compensatory damages. But the climate change theory that...
By Edward Ring
California AG Sues Big Oil
California AG Sues Big Oil
“Don’t lie, don’t deceive, don’t hide from the public clean energy pathways forward, and don’t hide from the public the existential threat that fossil fuels created in terms of climate change and extreme weather and damage to the environment.” — California Attorney General Rob Bonta, PBS interview, Sept. 20, 2023 Bonta’s statement exposes the inherent and...
By Edward Ring
Offshore Wind is an Economic and Environmental Catastrophe
Offshore Wind is an Economic and Environmental Catastrophe
When it comes to “renewables” wreaking havoc on the environment, wind turbines have stiff competition. For example, over 500,000 square miles of biofuel plantations have already replaced farms and forests to replace a mere 4 percent of transportation fuel. To source raw materials to build “sustainable” batteries, mining operations are scaling up, with no end in sight, in nations with appalling...
By Edward Ring
Can California’s Forests Survive Extreme Environmentalism?
Can California’s Forests Survive Extreme Environmentalism?
Earlier this summer, an environmentalist group that calls itself the John Muir Project, joined by a few other like-minded state and local organizations, sued the U.S. Forest Service. The transgression: a proposal to thin 13,000 acres of forest near Big Bear Lake, in the heart of California’s San Bernardino Mountains. You would think they’d learn. One...
By Edward Ring
The Uplifting Potential of Practical Infrastructure Choices
The Uplifting Potential of Practical Infrastructure Choices
It’s understandable that the people running a state as wealthy as California, with a culture of pioneering innovation going back nearly two centuries, would be inspired to set an example to the world. This negates the argument that even if Californians achieve “net zero” emissions of carbon dioxide, it won’t make a bit of difference. ...
By Edward Ring
The Corruption of Climate Science: California Forest Facts Expose Study’s Flaws
The Corruption of Climate Science: California Forest Facts Expose Study’s Flaws
For over 50 years, with increasing frequency, corrupted, careerist scientists have produced biased studies that, amplified by agenda-driven corporate and political special interests, constitute a “consensus” that is supposedly “beyond debate.” We are in a “climate crisis.” To cope with this climate emergency, all measures are justifiable. This is overblown, one-sided, and manipulative propaganda. It...
By Edward Ring
Challenging the Premise of Our Destruction
Challenging the Premise of Our Destruction
The most powerful and destructive perception in the world today is that using fossil fuels will cause catastrophic climate change. This belief, marketed by every major government and corporate institution in the Western world, is the foundational premise underlying a policy agenda of stunning indifference to the aspirations of ordinary people. The war on fossil...
By Edward Ring
California Holds the Key to Western Water Security
California Holds the Key to Western Water Security
Dams and aqueducts on the Colorado River make civilization possible in the American Southwest. But for the last 20 years, as a prolonged drought has gripped the region, withdrawals from the river have averaged 15 million acre-feet per year, while inflows into Lake Mead and Lake Powell have averaged only 12 million acre feet per year. For the first...
By Edward Ring
Cleaning Bay Source Pollution Will Enable More Delta Diversions
Cleaning Bay Source Pollution Will Enable More Delta Diversions
On February 21, the California State Water Resources Control Board waived environmental regulations in order to permit more storage in Central Valley reservoirs. This came a week after Governor Gavin Newsom temporarily suspended environmental laws that prevent reservoir storage if flow through the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta falls below 58,000 acre feet per day. A guest opinion piece...
By Edward Ring
The “Net Zero” Delusions of California’s Ruling Class
The “Net Zero” Delusions of California’s Ruling Class
Last week, I attended an event in downtown Sacramento produced by an industry trade association. One of the highlights of this event was a plenary session where a high ranking state politician addressed the crowd. The participants shall remain anonymous, because who they were doesn’t matter. What was said, and how it was received, was...
By Edward Ring
Solar Farms Should Not Displace Prime Farmland
Solar Farms Should Not Displace Prime Farmland
Successfully coping with severe droughts in California and the Southwest requires tough choices, all of them expensive and none of them perfect. But taking millions of acres out of cultivation and replacing them with solar farms is not the answer. California produces over one-third of America’s vegetables and three quarters of the country’s fruits and nuts –...
By Edward Ring
California’s Unelected Tyrants
California’s Unelected Tyrants
Zeroing in on “unelected tyrants” in a state as dysfunctional and regressive as California is not easy. There are too many targets. Even California’s elected state legislators, as they cook up and pass countless tyrannical intrusions into our lives and livelihoods, are themselves “elected” only so long as they pledge obeisance to a powerful coalition of special interests...
By Edward Ring
Questions About Water for Governor Newsom
Questions About Water for Governor Newsom
Borrowing a page from the More Water Now campaign, which unsuccessfully attempted earlier this year to qualify a water funding initiative for the November 2022 ballot, Governor Newsom announced a new water supply strategy on August 11. Perhaps with the presidency in mind, or perhaps because he really means it, Newsom’s remarks were surprisingly accommodating towards those of us who...
By Edward Ring
The Abundance Choice – Part 15: Our Fight for More Water
The Abundance Choice – Part 15: Our Fight for More Water
Editor’s note: This is the fifteenth and last article in a series on California’s water crisis. You can read the entire series including recent updates in his new book “The Abundance Choice, Our Fight for More Water in California.” There are plenty of ways to ration water, and California’s state legislature is pursuing all of...
By Edward Ring