Local Fiscal Health Dashboard
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Overall Fiscal Strength
(out of 100)
General Fund Reserves
(out of 15)
Debt Burden
(out of 15)
(out of 10)
Revenue Trends
(out of 5)
Pension Costs
(out of 5)
Pension Funding
(out of 5)
Pension Obligations
(out of 10)
OPEB Obligations
(out of 10)
OPEB Funding
(out of 5)
Net Worth
(out of 15)
Overall Fiscal Strength
(out of 100)
General Fund Reserves
(out of 15)
Debt Burden
(out of 15)
(out of 10)
Revenue Trends
(out of 5)
Pension Costs
(out of 5)
Pension Funding
(out of 5)
Pension Obligations
(out of 10)
OPEB Obligations
(out of 10)
OPEB Funding
(out of 5)
Net Worth
(out of 15)
Overall Fiscal Strength
(out of 100)
General Fund Reserves
(out of 15)
Debt Burden
(out of 15)
(out of 10)
Revenue Trends
(out of 5)
Pension Costs
(out of 5)
Pension Funding
(out of 5)
Pension Obligations
(out of 10)
OPEB Obligations
(out of 10)
OPEB Funding
(out of 5)
Net Worth
(out of 15)
Overall Fiscal Strength
(out of 100)
General Fund Reserves
(out of 15)
Debt Burden
(out of 15)
(out of 10)
Revenue Trends
(out of 5)
Pension Costs
(out of 5)
Pension Funding
(out of 5)
Pension Obligations
(out of 10)
OPEB Obligations
(out of 10)
OPEB Funding
(out of 5)
Net Worth
(out of 15)
Overall Fiscal Strength
(out of 100)
General Fund Reserves
(out of 15)
Debt Burden
(out of 15)
(out of 10)
Revenue Trends
(out of 5)
Pension Costs
(out of 5)
Pension Funding
(out of 5)
Pension Obligations
(out of 10)
OPEB Obligations
(out of 10)
OPEB Funding
(out of 5)
Net Worth
(out of 15)
Overall Fiscal Strength
General Fund Reserves
General Fund Reserves
General Fund Transfers
Total General Fund Expenditures
General Fund Reserves Ratio
Debt Burden
Government-wide Long-Term Obligations
Government-wide Total Revenue
Debt Burden Ratio
General Fund Cash and Investments
General Fund Total Liabilities
Liquidity Ratio
Revenue Trends
General Fund Total Revenue
Revenue Growth Ratio
Pension Costs
Pension Actuarially Required Contributions
Government-wide Total Revenue
Pension Actuarially Determined Contributions Ratio
Pension Funding
Pension Fiduciary Net Position
Total Pension Liability
Pension Funding Ratio
Pension Obligations
Net Pension Liability
Government-wide Total Revenue
Pensions Obligation Ratio
OPEB Obligations
OPEB Fiduciary Net Position
OPEB Total Liabilities
Government-wide Total Revenue
OPEB Obligation Ratio
OPEB Funding
OPEB Fiduciary Net Position
OPEB Total Liabilities
OPEB Funding Ratio
Net Worth
Government Unrestricted Net Assets
Government-wide Total Revenue
Net Worth Ratio
Methodology source: Giesecke, Oliver and Duffy, Seamus, State and Local Government Financial Fundamentals (September 7, 2023). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4565350 or https://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4565350
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