Why ALL Government Union Activity is Political
Why ALL Government Union Activity is Political
In the Friedrichs case before the U.S. Supreme Court, the core of union-supporters’ argument is that government employees should be forced to pay fees to a union because they benefit from union activities. Not paying the union, they say, makes an employee a free rider. Or, as The Atlantic put it recently: “Rebecca Friedrichs is...
By Jarrett Skorup
Everyone Should Have an Opportunity to Prosper
Everyone Should Have an Opportunity to Prosper
Editor’s Note: This commentary by Jarret Skorup of the Mackinac Center for Public Policy should make for interesting reading here in California. In particular, Skorup references Michigan’s pending “House Bill 4641,” that will prohibit government agencies “from imposing occupational licensure without proof of valid public health and safety concerns, and when licensing is beneficial, requires...
By Jarrett Skorup
Union Right-to-Work Myths Dispelled
Union Right-to-Work Myths Dispelled
The UAW has put together a flier on right-to-work “facts” which it is handing out to members. The pamphlet’s facts are wrong. I’ll stay away from some of the statements that are more nuanced — for example: the UAW says the law requires them to provide services for all employees in a union shop but neglects to...
By Jarrett Skorup