Teacher Union Leaders Go Public and Confirm Their Fecklessness

By Larry Sand
Weingarten is schooled by WSJ’s Jason Riley; Van Roekel is clueless as usual. The National Education Association and the American Federation of teachers represent over 4.5 million teachers and educational support workers across the United States. These two unions have been under attack for the past few years by reformers who point to their slavish...

TAGS: American Federation of Teachers, Dennis Van Roekel, National Education Association, Randi Weingarten

Teachers Unions and Truth: Rarely Does the Twain Meet

By Larry Sand
Misinformation is at the heart of unionspeak. Public school teachers have been told for years that they are only respected by the general public because Big Union fights for them and gets them that respect. However, the opposite would appear to be true. America still loves its teachers…the good ones, that is. They don’t like...

TAGS: Andrew Coulson, Dennis Van Roekel, Michael Lovenheim, Mike Petrilli, National Education Association, teachers unions

No Citizen Left Untaxed

By Larry Sand
NEA boss has it backwards when he claims that America cannot have a middle class without unions. Dennis Van Roekel, president of the National Education Association, America’s largest union, claims, “In actions more fitting for comic book arch-villains, a new crop of state leaders have launched blistering attacks on working families disguised as budget and...

TAGS: Dennis Van Roekel, National Education Association, public employee unions