The Corruption of Climate Science: California Forest Facts Expose Study’s Flaws

By Edward Ring
For over 50 years, with increasing frequency, corrupted, careerist scientists have produced biased studies that, amplified by agenda-driven corporate and political special interests, constitute a “consensus” that is supposedly “beyond debate.” We are in a “climate crisis.” To cope with this climate emergency, all measures are justifiable. This is overblown, one-sided, and manipulative propaganda. It...

TAGS: CalFire, California forest fires, firefighters, forest management, Forests

Most lucrative firefighting jobs in California

By Brandon Ristoff
When you think about the best-paid gigs in the San Francisco Bay Area, you might be thinking of the tech industry. But check out firefighting in San Ramon, just east of the Silicon Valley.   In 2020, the San Ramon Valley Fire Protection District —  which covers 155 square-miles in Contra Costa County and serves a...

TAGS: Firefighting, Fires, Forests, National Guard