Los Angeles Police Average Total Compensation $157,151 Per Year

By Edward Ring
Turns out the Los Angeles Fire and Police Pension system return rate was 17.3 percent for 2013-2014, and other public pension funds reported similar double-digit returns and five-year returns exceeding their assumed rates.  – LAPPL Board of Directors on 08/07/2014, in their post “Misuse of statistics behind erroneous LA police officer salary claims.” The above quote...

TAGS: Los Angeles Police Protective League

How Much Do Los Angeles Police Officers Make?

By Edward Ring
There’s a deep seated frustration and anger among the rank and file due to their low pay. Det. Tyler Izen – President, Los Angeles Police Protective League, July 28, 2014, KTLA Channel 5 Low pay, of course, is relative. It’s very difficult to objectively determine what a police officer should be paid. There aren’t jobs in...

TAGS: Los Angeles, Los Angeles Police Protective League, public safety unions, total compensation

Los Angeles Police Union Attacks CPPC Study

By Edward Ring
On May 17th the Los Angeles Police Protective Leagues “Board of Directors” authored a post on their LAPPL blog entitled “Inventing the headline number,” attacking the research and the motives of California Public Policy Center. Here’s how the post began: “The playbook is familiar now—gin up a study on public pensions and government debt to be...

TAGS: California Policy Center, Los Angeles Police Protective League

Union Watch Highlights

By Jack Dean
Recent reports on union activity from around the web through December 5th, 2010: Collective bargaining may get tweak in Ohio By Thomas Suddes, December 5, 2010, The Columbus Dispatch Ohio’s public-employee unions should fasten their seat belts: They may be in for rough ride in 2011, thanks to the clout -and long memories – of...

TAGS: Los Angeles Police Protective League