Public Sector Unions Want to Gut Prop. 13 Taxpayer Protections – Voters Disagree

By Jon Coupal
Editor’s Note:  As Jon Coupal explains in detail, Prop. 13’s “coattails” are alive and well in California. In a special election a few weeks ago in Southern California, Susan Shelley, a moderate Republican whose sole message was “protect Prop. 13” has lost by a margin of less than 1%, in a district where Democrats outnumber...

TAGS: Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, Jon Coupal, Prop. 13, property taxes, public sector unions

Redistributionist Politics California Style: From Private Citizens to Unionized Government

By Jon Coupal
The terms “Blue State” and “Red State” were coined about a dozen years ago by journalist Tim Russert and were based on the colored maps being used by the television networks to graphically display presidential election results. Although originally based on the arbitrary decision to label Republican voting states red, and those supporting the Democratic...

TAGS: Prop. 13