California school officials use Trump to mask their own failures

By Cecilia Iglesias
In announcing the end of the DACA program two weeks ago, President Trump seemed to fulfill a campaign promise to kill a program he once declared unconstitutional. But later, the president seemed to call for a permanent legislative solution that would grant resident status to people brought illegally to the country as minors. Tweeting that...

TAGS: Janet Napolitano, Santa Ana Unified School District, Tom Torlakson, Trump

Union to blame for teacher layoffs in Santa Ana

By Cecilia Iglesias
Confronting a financial disaster they helped create, Santa Ana teachers union leaders did Tuesday what they’ve done for years: They blamed someone else. In a newsletter they sent to all Santa Ana teachers, union leaders blamed me for the declining enrollment in the district’s schools. In short, they say my work to provide parents with...

TAGS: Santa Ana Unified School District

Santa Ana Unified School District turns poor kids’ meal fund into cash cow

By Private: Gloria Romero
Unmistakable signs of trouble existed in Santa Ana Unified School District’s food-service program long before they were cited. According to the state Senate Office of Oversight and Outcomes, district officials had been warned – in writing and in person. The warnings were simply ignored, and had been for years. Now, SAUSD has been ordered to...

TAGS: Santa Ana Unified School District