Public Sector Pay: Transparency and Perspective

By Jon Coupal
Public sector labor leaders in California would rather that the public remain relatively ignorant about how well their members are compensated. But they are fighting a losing battle. Because of California’s massive unfunded pension liability and other scandals, the public is demanding answers. Interests as diverse as taxpayer groups, business organizations, the media and some...

TAGS: Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, John Chiang, Jon Coupal, public sector compensation, Public sector pensions,, unsustainable pensions

2013 CalPERS Payouts Online at Transparent California

By Mark Bucher
CalPERS financial struggles are draining state taxpayers. The ever-increasing contribution rates it demands from state and local governments have already bankrupted several cities. Even for more financially stable agencies, increased CalPERS contributions have crowded out other spending priorities or tax relief. While discussions about unfunded liabilities and projected rates of return are necessary and important,...

TAGS: California Policy Center, CalPERS,, unsustainable pensions

Three Ways California Governments Try To Avoid Transparency

By Robert Fellner
Few politicians or government officials publicly oppose transparency in government. After all, transparency isn’t just about information; it’s a tangible acknowledgment that government officials work for citizens, not the other way around. Still, there’s a big difference between mouthing support for transparency and actually fulfilling public records requests as required by California’s Public Records Act.,...

TAGS: California Policy Center, California Public Records Act, Nevada Policy Research Institute,

Transparency Website Shows True Cost of Unionized Government in California

By Edward Ring
In light of the strong public policy supporting transparency in government, an individual’s expectation of privacy in a salary earned in public employment is significantly less than the privacy expectation regarding income earned in the private sector. – Excerpt from California Supreme Court Ruling, 8-27-2007, IFPTE v. Superior Court Today the California Public Policy Center...