Sustainable Megacities

By Edward Ring
Modern urban centers around the world now have neighborhoods that house well over 100,000 people per square mile. The Choa Chu Kang district in Singapore, defined by boulevards lined with 10 to 12 story mid-rise residential buildings, has a population density of over 125,000 per square mile. The entire borough of Manhattan has an average population density of over 70,000 per square...

TAGS: cities, Edward Ring, United Nations

The Density Delusion

By Edward Ring
For decades, American workers have watched as their ability to enjoy middle class lifestyles erodes away. Conventional explanations abound. American industry in the immediate aftermath of World War II was uniquely unscathed, and with a near monopoly on global manufacturing, it was able to pass much of the ample profits on to workers. It wasn’t...

TAGS: California, California Environmental Quality Act, Edward Ring, financialization, government pensions, Housing, UC Berkeley, United Nations