California Supreme Court Strikes Down Vergara Appeal

By Edward Ring
Here’s an axiom of California politics. When it’s the teachers union against everyone – that’s right, everyone else – the teachers union wins. Yesterday’s decision by the California Supreme Court to not hear the Vergara case is just the latest example. Prior to losing on appeal, which brought the case to the attention of the...

TAGS: California teachers unions, teacher tenure, Vergara vs. the State of California

ACLU Joins Unions to Attack California Charter Schools

By Edward Ring
About 6.2 million students attend California’s K-12 public schools. Of those, over 570,000 are enrolled in public charter schools. Most of these charter schools operate with a degree of management autonomy and teacher accountability that goes well beyond what is permitted by the union work rules that govern traditional public schools. These charter schools themselves are...

TAGS: ACLU, Vergara, Vergara vs. the State of California

Quality Education Remains Thwarted by Teachers Unions

By Edward Ring
An article in today’s American Prospect, of all places, offers an in-depth look at just how little progress has actually been made towards restoring quality education to California’s public school students. Because the article appears in a publication that is “dedicated to American liberalism,” and because “American liberalism” depends more than anything else on billions...

TAGS: California Teachers Association, Vergara case, Vergara vs. the State of California