Single-Parent Families and Educational Achievement: The Tragedy of Welfare

By R. Claire Friend
Project TALENT, a government-funded study that tracked the development of 364,000 high school students from 1960-1971, reported significant differences in the academic performance and adult achievement between children who were raised by an unmarried mother in a fatherless home and children who were raised by two biological parents. The results were independent of race and...

TAGS: Programme for International Student Assessment, welfare

Welfare, Illegitimacy and Academic Failure: America’s True "Race to the Bottom"

By R. Claire Friend
A great deal has been written about the cost of welfare, rise of illegitimacy, decline in public education and racial differences in academic achievement. Very little has been written about the link between welfare and those phenomena. They are all direct results. Welfare affects a process known as maternal-infant attachments that is the psychophysiologic foundation...

TAGS: welfare

Unreformed Welfare: California's Armegeddon

By R. Claire Friend
Welfare in America is a classic example of government failure. The combined federal, state and county welfare programs have had enormous destructive economic, social and moral consequences. In the absence of significant change, the Heritage Foundation projects their cost at $10.6 Trillion over the next decade. The initial beneficiaries of government aid were widows and...

TAGS: welfare