Education Reform

Forced Unionism Is Rearing Its Ugly Head in D.C.

Forced Unionism Is Rearing Its Ugly Head in D.C.

Not content with forcing traditional D.C. public school teachers to join the Washington Teachers Union, the rapacious WTU is now trying to get its hooks into charter schools. Last week, Nathan Saunders, president of the Washington Teachers Union, announced his intention to push for legislation that would force charter school teachers in the nation’s capital...

By Larry Sand

Republicans and Conservatives Have Lost More Than Just an Election

Republicans and Conservatives Have Lost More Than Just an Election

Restoring a school system that has been hijacked by the left should be the nation’s highest priority. There have been endless post mortems following Barack Obama’s election victory over Mitt Romney last week. It has been posited that Romney lost because he wasn’t libertarian enough, not Tea Party enough, not socially conservative enough, didn’t reach...

By Larry Sand

Advancing the Union Agenda: A More Mundane Silicon Valley Ambition

Advancing the Union Agenda: A More Mundane Silicon Valley Ambition

As reported over the past few months in, almost all of the sixteen community college districts within 50 miles of San Francisco have succumbed to the union political agenda and now require their construction contractors to sign a Project Labor Agreement with trade unions as a condition of working on taxpayer-funded projects. And unions are busy...

By Kevin Dayton

Taking the “You” out of Union

Taking the “You” out of Union

Union political power is only as strong as its members’ willingness to give. Last week, the American Federation of Teacher’s latest union financials (LM-2s) were released. Courtesy of Dropout Nation’s RiShawn Biddle, we learn that in 2011-2012, AFT spent $27 million to “preserve its influence.” Teachers unions spend money in a variety of ways, but...

By Larry Sand

The Public Education Jobs Program

The Public Education Jobs Program

As you go to the polls next week, please consider the facts before voting to pour more money into the K–12 black hole. Last week, The Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice released a comprehensive study which details an employment explosion in America’s public schools. America’s K-12 public education system has experienced tremendous historical growth in...

By Larry Sand

When Union Officials Hold Office: An Infected Community College Board

When Union Officials Hold Office: An Infected Community College Board

In December 1997, the AFL-CIO implemented its “2000 in 2000” program to help elect union activists to public office. As the AFL-CIO reported in February 1999, “In 1998, we made progress toward our goal of putting 2,000 union members on the ballot in the year 2000. Over the next two years we will make a...

By Kevin Dayton

Capistrano Teacher Union Operative’s Story Hard to Swallow

Capistrano Teacher Union Operative’s Story Hard to Swallow

Deceptive campaign websites point to CUEA front-group leader. The Capistrano Unified School District (CUSD) in California’s Orange County has seen more than its share of school board battles in recent years. In 2008, parent activists managed to rid themselves of possibly the most corrupt school board in America. Immortalized in Not As Good As You...

By Larry Sand

Small Class-Size Balloon Punctured Again

Small Class-Size Balloon Punctured Again

It’s time to “just say no” to the small class-size pushers and eliminate seniority as a staffing mechanism. Small class size means less work for teachers. Parents seem to think that their child will be better educated in a room with fewer classmates. Unions love fewer kids in a class because it equates to a...

By Larry Sand

Unions Increase Control of California’s Community College Boards

Unions Increase Control of California’s Community College Boards

On October 10, 2012, leaders of the Contra Costa County Building and Construction Trades Council finally succeeded in getting the Contra Costa Community College District Governing Board to implement a Project Labor Agreement acceptable to union leaders for future district construction. The vote was 3-1. This is perhaps the longest crusade ever in California for...

By Kevin Dayton

Unions Promoting Prop. 30 Resort to Personal Attacks

Unions Promoting Prop. 30 Resort to Personal Attacks

Promoters of Proposition 30 are losing their cool. Until last week, backers of Jerry Brown’s $50 billion tax increase were content to use their $40 million campaign war chest to broadcast ads describing Proposition 30 as a panacea for California education. However, when the campaign behind a rival tax increase measure, Proposition 38, began airing...

By Jon Coupal

Debunking the Debunkers

Debunking the Debunkers

Beware of ideologically driven writers who attempt to “get to the truth.” As one who is constantly trying to set the record straight on education issues, I am drawn to pieces like “5 Biggest Lies About America’s Public Schools – Debunked.” This article, courtesy of the popular leftist ezine AlterNet, reveals its POV in the...

By Larry Sand

Construction Unions Could Grab Billions Through Education Bonds

Construction Unions Could Grab Billions Through Education Bonds

Among the many Californians who only occasionally vote in elections, how many understand what they’re doing when they vote for a “bond measure” for a K-12 school district or community college district? They know it’s “for the kids,” but do they know that when they authorize a school district to sell bonds to fund construction, it...

By Kevin Dayton

Unions, Not Lack of Funding, Afflict Public Education

Unions, Not Lack of Funding, Afflict Public Education

It is hard for education reformers to be too optimistic about the post-strike prospects for Chicago schools. The resulting contract significantly boosts teacher pay in exchange for some modest changes such as a lengthened school day and improved teacher testing. As school officials figure out how to pay for the new deal and bolster vastly...

By Steven Greenhut

Combating Union Misinformation

Combating Union Misinformation

Getting the facts to people who have been lied to for decades is essential for change. In my latest City Journal post, I argue in favor of an initiative that will be on the ballot in California in November. Proposition 32, which will appear on the November general-election ballot, would ban unions and most corporations...

By Larry Sand