The Janus Project
It’s your paycheck. Union membership is your choice.
In 2018, the United States Supreme Court issued its landmark Janus decision, confirming that it’s unconstitutional for government employers to deduct union dues or fees from employee paychecks without the employee’s permission. In other words, no employee whose workplace is represented by a government union can be forced to pay any part of his or her paycheck to any union as a condition of employment.
Despite this clear ruling, California government unions and the politicians they support have conspired to keep employees and employers in the dark about their new Janus rights and obligations. For example, on June 27, 2018, the day of the Supreme Court’s Janus decision, California enacted union-authored legislation that has been interpreted as a ban on discussing Janus rights in the workplace. That, of course, is unconstitutional.
That’s why we need your help to inform employees and employers about their Janus rights.
A grassroots effort by concerned California residents has filled the void created by the political establishment’s silencing of this issue. In the links below, you’ll find Janus information materials to:
- Post in your workplace, letting all employees know about their Janus rights
- Mail to government employers, informing them of their obligations to receive employees’ informed consent before deducting any union dues or fees from their paychecks
- Mail to employees, informing them of their rights to stop paying any money to the union that represents their workplace.
- Complete the process yourself.
You can personalize the highlighted sections to reflect the workplaces, employers, and employees you’re targeting.
By understanding, exercising, and promoting these workplace rights, ordinary Californians can successfully challenge the vested interests of public unions and the politicians on their payroll that want to keep Californians in the dark when it comes to our rights to stop paying union dues and fees.
To visit our website and complete the process click here.