Julie Su Again and Again

By Will Swaim
History repeats itself, Karl Marx wrote, “First as tragedy, then as farce.” But he didn’t say what happens the third time, when tragic farce strikes again and the whole benighted process repeats itself. Take the case of Julie Su, President Joe Biden’s acting secretary of the U.S. Department of Labor. In the past four years,...

TAGS: AB5, big labor, Elected officie, Government, Julie, Julie Su, Labor, Su, Unions

With 2014 Mid-Term Elections Close – Unions Intensify Efforts

By Dave Bego
Control of the U.S. Senate is at stake in the upcoming mid-term elections, which is imperative for the President and Big Labor to maintain their majority if there is any hope to achieve Big Labor’s goal of eliminating the secret ballot election and replacing it with the forced unionization method of Card Check. Even at a...

TAGS: AFL-CIO, big labor, Dave Bego, seiu

Will the Supreme Court Do an “Abood Face?”

By Larry Sand
The decision in Harris v Quinn could be just the first shoe to drop in the fight against forced union dues. Last month was not kind to Big Labor. First, the teachers unions in California had some of their favorite work rules knocked out of the state constitution by Judge Rolf Treu in his Vergara...

TAGS: Abood, agency fee, American Federation of Teachers, big labor, California Teachers Association, Center for Individual Rights, collective bargaining, Dennis Van Roekel, fair share, Harris v. Quinn, Larry Sand, National Education Association, Randi Weingarten, Rebecca Friedrichs, Samuel Alito, Service Employees International Union, Supreme Court, teachers unions, Vergara

Obamacare Provides Unfair Advantage to Unions

By Dave Bego
Virtually unnoticed and ignored by the media is the fact that big labor benefited tremendously from the deal struck last week to avoid the “catastrophic” fiscal cliff. The President abandoned his own concept of fairness, which of course is nothing more than a hypocritical one way street, in order to reward his big labor buddies...

TAGS: affordable care act, big labor, Obamacare