Die Another Day: Bonds like Prop 13 are a burden for tomorrow

By Chris Reed
The conventional wisdom about Proposition 13 — the only ballot measure before California voters in the March 3 election — is that the $15 billion construction bond benefitting public schools, state universities and community colleges is of relatively little importance to the average voter. While there are concerns that local districts will have to raise...

TAGS: bonds, California State Teachers Retirement System, Chris Reed, Los Angeles Unified School District, school boards

Stanton officials launch propaganda war on tax-repeal effort

By Will Swaim
Downtown Stanton, 1913: More innocent times. STANTON, Calif. – It was a Wednesday afternoon in early March, a more innocent time in Stanton, California. Gathered in the community center of the Plaza Pine Estates, we were like Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden before they ate the apple that gave them a second-grader’s...

TAGS: bonds, debt, pensions, Stanton