Rejecting Grandpa’s Union

By Larry Sand
Good luck getting a recertification bill passed in a state legislature owned and operated by the California Teachers Association. Republican California State Assemblywoman Shannon Grove, representing the 34th district (mostly Kern County), has come up a couple of interesting bills. (H/T Steve Frank.) AB 2753 would “require California’s public employee unions to post an itemized...

TAGS: Act 10, Evan Grossman, Larry Sand, National Right to Work Foundation, Scott Walker, teachers union

When Union Bosses Become Employers

By Larry Sand
Sanctimonious labor leaders treat their employees very differently than their members. While tales of union hypocrisy are as common as instances of Donald Trump sticking his Ferragamos in his mouth, there is one facet of union two-facedness that is under-reported – the role of union as employer. As mentioned in my post a couple of...

TAGS: 401K, defined benefit pension, Evan Grossman, Jerry Jordan, Larry Sand, National Education Association, pension tsunami, Philadelphia Federation of Teachers, seniority, teachers union, tenure

Planned Persecution

By Larry Sand
NEA claims to be for religious freedom, but Catholics and other right-to-lifers need not apply. “The National Education Association believes that freedom of religion is a fundamental human right. The Association also believes that choice of religion is an intensely personal decision.” These high-minded words are from NEA Resolution I-33, which was passed at its...

TAGS: AFL-CIO, American Federation of Teachers, Evan Grossman, Larry Sand, Mary Kay Henry, Michael Mulgrew, National Education Association, Randi Weingarten, Richard Trumka, seiu, teachers union, United Federation of Teachers