Teachers Unions Reforming Themselves?

By Larry Sand
Not going to happen. If change comes, it will be from the outside. Mike Stryer is a former teacher and co-founder of NewTLA, a union reform group that came into being in 2010. One of its goals was to get the powerful United Teachers of Los Angeles to adopt a sweeping education reform agenda. Now...

TAGS: Democrats for Education Reform, Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association, Larry Sand, Mike Antonucci, National Right to Work Foundation, Right to Work, Students Matter, Teach Plus, teachers union, Terry Moe

Union opt-out campaigns log incremental gains, but two court cases could change the rules

By Edward Ring
Whenever anyone suggests that public sector unions are forcing their members to make political contributions, the unions retort that the contributions are strictly voluntary. Technically speaking, this is true, but the tedious process of opting out of making political contributions is a powerful deterrent. The California Teachers Association, for example, allow their members to become...

TAGS: agency fee payers, CTA, Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association, UTLA, Vergara vs. California

California Teachers Silenced By Teachers Union

By Rebecca Friedrichs
Throughout our nation, teachers are being trained to combat bullying within our schools and social media. It’s ironic that this movement is led by teachers unions, which have been bullying independent-minded teachers for decades. In California, where I’m a public school teacher, union bullying is enshrined in state law. The law requires that all teachers...

TAGS: agency fees, California Teachers Association, Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association