A Modest Proposal for California from a Public Servant

By Edward Ring
W”hen I see someone attacking the benefits the Fire Department receives or the Police Department receives, my concern is: Why wouldn’t you expect the same for yourself? We should act as a beacon.” —Mike Mohun, president of the San Ramon Firefighters Union, quoted in the New York Times, March 2, 2017 There are many compelling...

TAGS: pension reform, pensions

Problems With California’s ‘Secure Choice’ Pension Plan

By Jon Coupal
Editor’s Note: In this article, author Jon Coupal describes most of the problems with California’s “Secure Choice” pension plan for private sector workers, but he omits a big one: The plan is designed using realistic financial assumptions, i.e., relatively high contribution rates and relatively low rate-of-return assumptions, and a very modest retirement benefit formula. Put another...

TAGS: California pensions, Jon Coupal, pensions

California’s Debt Bubble: How Does It End?

By Bill Fletcher
In a January 2017 study we estimated that California state and local governments owe $1.3 trillion as of June 30, 2015. Our analysis was based on a review of federal, state and local financial disclosures. This debt equals about 52% of California’s Gross State Product of $2.5 trillion and does not include the substantial cost...

TAGS: debt, pensions

California debt now running closer to Italy and Portugal, new study finds

By California Policy Center
For Immediate Release January 11, 2017 California Policy Center Marc Joffe, marc@calpolicycenter.org (415) 578-0558 A landmark study of California’s finances reveals the state’s debt burden is approaching the levels of Italy and Portugal, where debt crises in 2011 and 2012 drove the Eurozone countries to the brink of collapse. The findings come a day after...

TAGS: California, California Public Employee Retirement System, pensions, public employee pensions

California’s Total State and Local Debt Totals $1.3 Trillion

By Bill Fletcher
We estimate that California state and local governments owe $1.3 trillion as of June 30, 2015. Our analysis is based on a review of federal, state and local financial disclosures. The total includes bonds, loans and other debt instruments as well as unfunded pension and other post-employment benefits promised to public sector employees. Our estimate...

TAGS: debt, OPEB, pensions

Invest California’s Pension Funds in Water and Energy Infrastructure

By Edward Ring
“We wanted flying cars, instead we got 140 characters.” –  Peter Thiel, in his 2011 manifesto “What Happened to the Future.” Anyone living in California who’s paying attention knows what venture capitalist Thiel meant. While a handful of Silicon Valley social media entrepreneurs have amassed almost indescribable wealth, and fundamentally transformed how humanity communicates, investment in...

TAGS: better faster cheaper, crony green capitalists, infrastructure, oligarchs, pensions, Peter Thiel

Will the BART Bond Fund Pensions?

By Marc Joffe
This fall, voters in San Francisco, Alameda and Contra Costa counties will consider a $3.5 billion BART bond measure. Proponents argue that the measure is required to ensure the system’s safety and reliability. Critics are concerned that bond proceeds will be used to support excessive employee salaries and benefits. BART management denies that claim. In...

TAGS: OPEB, pensions

Put Public Employees on Secure Choice and Social Security

By Edward Ring
“The state shall not have any liability for the payment of the retirement savings benefit earned by program participants pursuant to this title.” – California State Senator Kevin De Leon, August 7, 2016, Sacramento Bee This quote from Senator De Leon, one of the main proponents of California’s new “Secure Choice” retirement program for private...

TAGS: CalPERS, pensions, Public sector pensions

Average "Full Career" CalPERS Retirement Package Worth $70,000 Per Year

By Edward Ring
“‘What makes the ‘$100,000 Club’ some magic number denoting abuse other than the claims of anti-pension zealots?’ said Dave Low, chairman of Californians for Retirement Security, a coalition of 1.6 million public workers and retirees.” This quote from a government union spokesperson, and others, were dutifully collected as part of Orange County Register reporter Teri...

TAGS: $100K pension club, defined benefit pensions, government pensions, pensions, Transparent California

Major-party presidential candidates offer no solutions on federal retirement crises

By California Policy Center
For Immediate Release June 2, 2016 California Policy Center Contact: Will Swaim Will@CalPolicyCenter.org (714) 573-2231 SACRAMENTO — Californians may be accustomed to living with the specter of a public pension crisis. But the federal government’s problem with its retirement systems – including Social Security – is far worse, and yet none of the three remaining major-party...

TAGS: Bernie Sanders, CalPERS, CalSTRS, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, pensions, Social Security