California Pols Lose Touch with Reality over Affirmative-Action Ruling

By Will Swaim
Were you or your child denied admission into medical school on the basis of race or ethnicity within the last 5 years? Click here to document your experience. In doing so, they ignore the real scandal in the state’s education system. *     *     * Among the weirdest reactions to the Supreme Court’s June 29 decisions on...

TAGS: Affirmative Action, Gavin Newsom, politicians, Supreme Court, U.S. Supreme Court

How to Be a Successful Politician in California

By Edward Ring
The following conversation never happened. It is for the reader to decide to what extent, however, this conversation reflects political reality in California today.   Candidate (C): It’s a surprise that you contacted me. I never thought I would run for office, I don’t know how to run a campaign, and I’m not well informed...

TAGS: California public sector unions, elected office, Government, government unions, politicians, special interests