Lawsuit: University of California Systematically Discriminates Against Asian American Applicants

By Thomas Buckley
Were you or your child denied admission into medical school on the basis of race or ethnicity within the last 5 years? Click here to document your experience. In 1996, California voters approved Proposition 209, a state constitutional amendment that banned preferential treatment based on race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in state hiring, contracting,...

TAGS: California legal environment, DEI, diversity, Law and Order, racism, Reparations, university of california

Student Centered Funding, School Choice and Racism

By Larry Sand
The plan to veer away from educational central planning in Los Angeles is on hold, and a professor of educational history farcically links school choice to racism. When the Los Angeles school board met last week, one of the items on its agenda was voting on the new Student Centered Funding (SCF) plan. As California...

TAGS: choice, racism, racist, school

Listen: Does weed make you conservative?

By Editorial Staff
New episode of the Radio Free California podcast is out! In this week’s episode of National Review’s Radio Free California podcast, California Policy Center’s Will Swaim and David Bahnsen talk about one of the most quintessential California topics: Weed. Though his experiment to legalize the drug seems to be failing (the pot industry blames government),...

TAGS: David Bahnsen, Gavin Newsom, National Review, Podcast, racism, Radio Free California, Radio Free California Podcast, Will Swaim


By California Policy Center
A conservative response to police-reform protests Intense public protests and riots following George Floyd’s deadly encounter with a Minneapolis police officer in May have caught many conservatives off guard. Because of their overall support for police officers and their respect for public order, conservatives seem generally troubled by the public reaction. They have – at...

TAGS: police unions, racism, Unions

Charlottesville: Political payday for the American Federation of Teachers

By Larry Sand
The teachers union sees the Nazi rally in VA as an opportunity to further its radical agenda. The American Federation of Teachers is using the Nazi rally in Charlottesville on August 13th as an excuse to launch a massive propaganda campaign against Donald Trump, the right, the Republican Party and everyone else who does not...

TAGS: American Federation of Teachers, Larry Sand, racism, Randi Weingarten, teachers union

The Department of Justice on Student Suspensions

By Larry Sand
A recent memo accuses educators of racial discrimination while failing, with a few exceptions, to address the real problems. Earlier this month, the U.S. Department of Justice issued a series of guidelines regarding the suspension of students from school. In short, though partially correct, the DOJ report is misguided, misleading, and missing key elements relevant...

TAGS: American Federation of Teachers, California Teachers Association, City Journal, Larry Sand, National Council on Teacher Quality, National Education Association, racism, RiShawn Biddle, seniority, teachers union, tenure, Vergara v California, zero tolerance