Education Reform – Teacher Union Style
Education Reform – Teacher Union Style
Union leaders have nothing to offer in matters of education reform. In an absurd editorial, two Los Angeles Unified School District teachers last Friday — both United Teachers Los Angeles chapter chairs — wrote what was supposed to be, in part, a nastygram to LA’s Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa. The op-ed, entitled Pipe Down, Mr. Mayor...
By Larry Sand
Lousy schools split some Democrats from union fold
Lousy schools split some Democrats from union fold
Democrats soon will have to decide whether they are the party of the idle rich – i.e., the party of retired government employees, many of whom spend 30 or more years receiving pensions that are the equivalent of millions of dollars in savings – or the party of the poor, the downtrodden and the working...
By Steven Greenhut
Bill Gates Stymies Randi Weingarten’s No-Show Offense in One-sided Debate
Bill Gates Stymies Randi Weingarten’s No-Show Offense in One-sided Debate
With a feeble offense (and virtually no defense), the union leader’s strategies help to keep American public education far from the goal line. American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten has done it again. She agreed to compete on a level playing field – defending the teachers unions’ version of education reform – and the...
By Larry Sand
Public Education Unions vs. Volunteers
Public Education Unions vs. Volunteers
For many years I’ve participated as a volunteer at annual beautification days at a public high school near my house. Gradually our efforts have resulted in a campus that is graced with a lovely canopy of trees. What I didn’t realize is these volunteer efforts are endangered by union work rules. A few years ago...
By Editor
National Ebenezer Association
National Ebenezer Association
Scrooge-like National Education Association shows no sign of remorse. Once upon a time, school choice became a reality in our nation’s capital. The D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program, which allowed some poor kids in D.C. to go to private schools with the help of a government stipend, was ushered in by a Republican controlled Congress in...
By Larry Sand
Have Trigger Law – Will Organize
Have Trigger Law – Will Organize
Shoot out in Compton is the beginning of a gun fight that promises to rival anything the Wild West has ever seen. Back in the 50s, like many kids, I was a huge fan of TV Westerns. I could not let a Gunsmoke, Have Gun-Will Travel or The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp go...
By Larry Sand
Los Angeles Mayor Confronts Unions
Los Angeles Mayor Confronts Unions
As part of a continuing trend towards recognition by liberals alongside conservatives that public sector unions do not act in the public interest, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, a democrat, has delivered a blistering attack on the union representing public school teachers in Los Angeles. Joe Matthews in Fox & Hounds Daily has published the...
By Editor
Parents Need to be Aware of Union Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing
Parents Need to be Aware of Union Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing
Last week was a bad one for children due to some of our more lupine unions. The first blow to the kiddos came from the Service Employees International Union. A powerful local, 1199 SEIU United Healthcare Workers East, cut insurance for its members’ children. It seems that the powerful local and even more powerful parent...
By Larry Sand
CSEA Proves “It’s NOT About the Kids”
CSEA Proves “It’s NOT About the Kids”
Anyone thinking clearly knows full well public unions are blatant liars when they request more money for schools under the pretense “It’s for the kids”. Well it’s NOT for the kids and CSEA moves to the top of the list in proving it. If it was “all about the kids” we would not see articles...
By Mike Shedlock
A Charter School Needs a Union Like a Salad Needs Hemlock
A Charter School Needs a Union Like a Salad Needs Hemlock
Last month, teachers at Englewood on the Palisades Charter School in New Jersey decided to unionize. Then last Friday, Steve Gunn, director of Michigan’s Education Action Group, had an op-ed in the Newark, NJ-based Star-Ledger in which he rightfully laments the decision. Charter schools are public schools that are allowed to bypass many of the...
By Larry Sand
Unionized University Faculty
Unionized University Faculty
The SEIU has spread their tentacles into the realm of higher education, with campaigns underway to organize faculty at colleges and universities. According to a report entitled “The War on Conservative Teachers,” posted today by Al Katman on, the SEIU holds multiple elections, identifying the departments where union support is strongest, then holding a...
By Editor
A Tale of Two Unions
A Tale of Two Unions
It is not the best of times for unionized workers in America. However, while some workers have become resigned to new post-recession economic realities, others seem to be living in a dream world of rigid and righteous entitlement. And not surprisingly, it seems to break down by sector — private and public. A case in...
By Larry Sand
California Teacher’s Union Political Spending
California Teacher’s Union Political Spending
An interesting post from the website “Intercepts: A listening post monitoring public education and teachers’ unions,” entitled “NEA/CTA Outspends Everyone on California Ballot Measures” has added up the political spending by California’s teacher’s union in last week’s election. For the nine initiative measures, the spending by California’s teacher’s unions was as follows: California Teachers Association:...
By Editor