Education Reform

Unmasking school choice

Unmasking school choice

Abusive mask mandates for school children have exposed, yet again, the problem with central planning.

By Larry Sand

The hundred-year road to CRT

The hundred-year road to CRT

A brief look at the progressive agenda in education reveals that Critical Race Theory is just the latest in a long series of attempts to deform and ultimately fracture the country.

By Larry Sand

Don’t be afraid of the Big Bad Wolf Teachers Union!

Don’t be afraid of the Big Bad Wolf Teachers Union!

Making national news is the Rhode Island teachers union (backed up by the national teachers union) suing a local Rhode Island mother Nicole Solas to stop her accessing information about what her child is being taught in school. This follows comments by American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingartenpromising to pay legal fees for teachers...

By Craig Alexander

More union-induced GPA inflation

More union-induced GPA inflation

It’s not everyday that a parent gets an email from their school district telling them that they can change their child’s grade if they didn’t like the last one. It’s even more surreal that the legislature thought that this was a good policy. With few exceptions, nearly every legislator voted to approve AB 104 by...

By Lance Christensen

The annual teacher shortage canard

The annual teacher shortage canard

Despite our ever-changing world, there are some annual events we can all count on: the earth will circle the sun, Christmas will be celebrated December 25th, and the California legislature will raise taxes on its citizens. And we can now add that list – howling from the media and the teachers unions that America has...

By Larry Sand

Back to school?

Back to school?

I want to believe that California’s public schools will reopen this fall. I really do. When the Los Angeles Unified School District and United Teachers Los Angeles finally reached an agreement in late June to fully reopen schools this fall, I was cautiously optimistic. Los Angeles was the major holdout in the state, remaining more...

By Chantal Lovell

Defective bargaining

Defective bargaining

A challenger for governor of California could radically improve education with one executive order. In a recent opinion piece in The Epoch Times, veteran writer John Seiler put forth a set of strategies for a Republican to beat California Governor Gavin Newsom in the state’s September 14th recall election. Among other things, he suggests that...

By Larry Sand

Masking students and unmasking the radical agenda

Masking students and unmasking the radical agenda

The decision to mask and indoctrinate school children in California has been left to local school districts. The new school year is still weeks away in California, but summer break has hardly been a carefree romp on the beach. On July 12th, the California Department of Public Health, ignoring CDC guidance, announced that all students...

By Larry Sand

Fixing California- Part eight: Restoring quality education

Fixing California- Part eight: Restoring quality education

Editor’s note: This is the seventh article in a nine-part series on how to fix California. Read the first article in the series here, the second here, the third here, the fourth here, the fifth here, the sixth here, and the seventh here. Pragmatism. Abundance. Optimism. If these are the principles that should guide public policy...

By Edward Ring

Confronting Randi’s twaddle

Confronting Randi’s twaddle

After insisting that Critical Race Theory is not being taught in k-12 schools, Randi Weingarten – teacher union boss and gaslighter extraordinaire – has ceded any right to be taken seriously. Randi Weingarten, the gaffe-prone president of the American Federation of Teachers has outdone herself, and that isn’t easy. In a series of seven open...

By Larry Sand

Newsletter: A new day for school choice in California 

Newsletter: A new day for school choice in California 

United Teachers Los Angeles President Cecily Myart-Cruz has been talking for months about the “transformational change” she wants to bring to California schools through the COVID-19 pandemic. Golden State voters, according to a new poll commissioned by the California Policy Center, want changes, too. Unfortunately for Myart-Cruz, the changes voters want could dismantle the government...

By Jackson Reese