The War on Boys and Girls

By Larry Sand
Over the years, a cause for teen angst, suicide, etc., has reportedly been the media. But there is no definitive evidence to corroborate that. In fact, every recent generation has traditionally pointed to the media or some other cultural factor as damaging to youth. In the 1920s, it was the Charleston, and in the 1940s,...

TAGS: education, family, Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network, transgender

The Bureaucratic Erasure of Culture, Identity, and Freedom

By Edward Ring
Exploring the roadways of California yields scenery evoking two distinct worlds. On the big freeways, surrounding every major interchange, the 21st century asserts itself in an agglomeration of concrete and glass boxes surrounded by lakes of asphalt, each festooned with a recognizable corporate logo. Food. Fuel. Lodging. The corporate power they represent is reflected in...

TAGS: bureaucracy, culture, family, Government, institutions