Investing in Infrastructure to Lower the Cost of Living

By Edward Ring
California’s civil infrastructure was once the envy of the nation. During the 1950’s and 1960’s the state wisely invested in transportation, water and power infrastructure, delivering capacity well in excess of the needs of the state’s population at the time. Even today, the scale of California’s network of aqueducts and pumping stations to transfer water...

TAGS: high speed rail

Raising Gas Taxes While Unions Support Billions for Bullet Train

By Jon Coupal
Editor’s Note:  It is difficult to find a better example of how California’s labor movement fails ordinary workers than their support for high speed rail. Because that project, using foreign sourced materials and yielding virtually no benefits – economic, environmental, or societal – that justify the cost, is at the expense of projects that are...

TAGS: California High-Speed Rail Authority, high speed rail

Desalination Plants vs. Bullet Trains and Pensions

By Edward Ring
Current policy solutions enacted to address California’s water crisis provide an object lesson in how corruption masquerading as virtue is impoverishing the general population to enrich a handful of elites. Instead of building freeways, expanding ports, restoring bridges and aqueducts, and constructing dams, desalination plants, and power stations, California’s taxpayers are pouring tens of billions...

TAGS: "bullet train", California drought, cost of living, desalination, high speed rail, pension funds

The Unholy Trinity of Public Sector Unions, Environmentalists, and Wall Street

By Edward Ring
Taken at surface value, there ought to be minimal identity of interests between these three special interests. But if you follow the money and power instead of the rhetoric and stereotypes, you will find this unhealthy alliance is alive and thriving. For example, unions use “greenmail,” the threat of a lawsuit on environmentalist grounds, to...

TAGS: construction unions, environmentalists, high speed rail, occupy movement, public sector unions, Wall Street

Unions Await Fantastic Return on High-Speed Rail Political Investments

By Kevin Dayton
It’s a heady time to be a top construction union official in California, as the California High-Speed Rail Authority presumably now holds proposals from as many as five design-build consortiums to build the first segment of the $68 billion project. If this project moves forward, it will become part of the pantheon of huge American infrastructure projects...

TAGS: California Construction Industry Labor-Management Cooperative Trust, California high speed rail, California High-Speed Rail Authority, Community Benefits Policy, Gray Davis, high speed rail, Labor-Management Cooperation Act of 1978, Northern California District Council of Laborers, Project Labor Agreements, State Building and Construction Trades Council of California

Finding Common Ground With Private Sector Unions

By Editor
The California Labor Federation has a membership of more than 1,200 unions, representing over two million workers. And the first of seven key issues they list on their legislative agenda for 2012 is supporting high speed rail. As they put it, “Building high speed rail will grow our economy and create long-term jobs. An estimated...

TAGS: California Labor Federation, high speed rail