Union Campaign Contributions Pile Up Before School Board Vote on Union Deal

By Kevin Dayton
Whenever California voters approve a sizable bond measure to fund construction at a school or community college district, union lobbyists quickly scramble to win control of the work through a Project Labor Agreement. At the Salinas Union High School District, a flood of union campaign money preceded a September 29 board vote to abandon negotiations and...

TAGS: Monterey/Santa Cruz Building and Construction Trades Council, Project Labor Agreement, Project Labor Agreements

Unions Win First Victory to Control Projects Funded by Water Bond

By Kevin Dayton
It was unlikely that a few isolated and marginalized critics would discourage California voters from approving a statewide ballot measure (Proposition 1) authorizing the state to borrow more than $7 billion for water projects. As Proposition 1 stated, “California has been experiencing more frequent and severe droughts and is currently enduring the worst drought in...

TAGS: Monterey County Board of Supervisors, Monterey County Water Resources Agency, Monterey/Santa Cruz Building and Construction Trades Council, Project Labor Agreements

Documents Expose Union Lobbying Scheme to Control Water Project Construction

By Kevin Dayton
Union dealing and scheming over state legislation in California occurs behind closed doors. The sudden and unexplained recent flip of the union position on a state plastic bag ban is a typical example. Rarely is the true story ever revealed to the public, who ends up paying for those secret deals. A rare exception has emerged with Assembly...

TAGS: Assembly Bill 155 (2014), Luis Alejo, Monterey County Water Resources Agency, Monterey/Santa Cruz Building and Construction Trades Council

Watsonville City Council Rejects Accountability Measures in Union Deal

By Kevin Dayton
Tonight (August 26, 2014) the Watsonville (California) City Council voted 6-1 to require construction contractors to sign a Project Labor Agreement with unions in the Monterey/Santa Cruz Counties Building and Construction Trades Council for city projects with a cost exceeding $600,000. The (unsigned) Project Labor Agreement was provided to the city council at the meeting. The...

TAGS: Monterey/Santa Cruz Building and Construction Trades Council, Project Labor Agreements

Monterey County Water Officials Abandon Bill After Unions Reshape It

By Kevin Dayton
Any California local government seeking help from the state should know that union lobbyists won’t let the legislature pass anything unless unions have their own interests satisfied in the process. The Monterey County Water Resources Agency learned this lesson the hard way: it has now withdrawn support for its own bill after the State Building...

TAGS: Assembly Bill 155 (2014), Luis Alejo, Monterey County Board of Supervisors, Monterey County Water Resources Agency, Monterey/Santa Cruz Building and Construction Trades Council, Project Labor Agreements, State Building and Construction Trades Council of California