How the Pension Reactionaries Mislead the Public

By Edward Ring
re·ac·tion·ar·y, rēˈakSHəˌnerē, adjective 1. (of a person or a set of views) opposing political or social liberalization or reform. –  Source:  Google search “what is a reactionary” When it comes to civic financial health and quality public education, “reactionary” is a word with increasingly bipartisan connotations. But the other qualities connoted by the word all still apply; shrill...

TAGS: pension reform

Will California Voters Support Pension Reform?

By Carl DeMaio
A bipartisan coalition led by former San Jose Mayor Chuck Reed and former City Councilman Carl DeMaio have filed a pension reform ballot measure in California. The group seeks to qualify the measure for a possible November 2016 vote by California voters. The California Policy Center examined polling conducted by a variety of sources and...

TAGS: pension reform

CalPERS "Myths vs. Facts" Propaganda Will Not Change Reality

By Edward Ring
California’s largest state/local government employee pension system, CalPERS, has posted a page on their website called “Myths vs. Facts.” Included among their many rather debatable “facts” is the following assertion, “Pension costs represent about 3.4 percent of total state spending.” This depends, of course, on what year you’re considering, and what you consider to be...

TAGS: California City Pension Burdens, CalPERS, Costa Mesa, pension reform, PEPRA

What Happens When Public Unions Control Everything for Decades?

By Mike Shedlock
Editor’s Note:  California and Illinois have a lot in common. Both have diverse, resilient economies, both are large states with most of the population concentrated in urban areas, and both have been controlled for decades by public sector unions. The crucial difference, of course, is that at least in Illinois, there is a reform minded...

TAGS: government employee unions, pension reform, public pensions, public sector unions

Why Pension Reform is Inevitable, and How Reforms Can Benefit the Economy

By Edward Ring
“The six-year bull market is admittedly long in the tooth.” CalSTRS Chief Investment Officer Chris Ailman, Sacramento Bee, July 17, 2015 If what Mr. Ailman really means is equity investments may not be turning in double digit returns any more, that makes the recent performance of CalSTRS and CalPERS all the more troubling. Because according...

TAGS: CalPERS, CalSTRS, pension reform, unfunded pension liabilities

A Challenge to Moorlach and Glazer – Build A Radical Center

By Edward Ring
On March 22, 2015, John Moorlach was officially sworn in as state senator for California’s 37th District. On May 28, 2015, Steve Glazer took the oath of office as state senator for the 7th District. Moorlach is a Republican serving mostly conservative constituents in Orange County. Steve Glazer is a Democrat serving mostly liberal constituents in Contra Costa County....

TAGS: education reform, government unions, John Moorlach, pension reform, Steve Glazer

Pension Reformers are not "The Enemy" of Public Safety

By Edward Ring
“You will find that powerful financial and investment institutions are the ones promoting the attacks on your pensions. Firms like Berkshire-Hathaway and the Koch brothers are backing political candidates and causes all over the country in the hopes of making this issue relevant and in the mainstream media. Why? Because if they can crack your...

TAGS: defined benefit pension, government unions, pension reform, public sector union reform, unfunded liability