What do Public Safety Unions Stand For?

By Edward Ring
In a special election earlier this week, Brian Dahle defeated Kevin Kiley in the race to become the next California State Senator representing District One, which sprawls north from the foothills east of Sacramento all the way to the Oregon border. Both candidates were Republican members of the State Assembly, competing in one of the few safe Republican districts left...

TAGS: Edward Ring, Janus, public safety unions

The Challenges Facing Conservatives Who Support Public Safety

By Edward Ring
Everyone supports public safety, but conservatives are a special case. In modern times, it was conservatives, reacting against the rebellious sixties and the lawless seventies, who supported law enforcement when it was fashionable for liberals to see them as pawns of a discredited establishment. It was also during the 1960’s and ’70’s that we saw public...

TAGS: government unions, public safety unions, public sector unions

Police Unions Behaving Badly

By Lucy Morrow Caldwell
Itching to get rid of your crummy boss? Consider employing a private eye to tail him, tag his car with a GPS tracking device, and then attempt to nail him for drunken driving. If the mood strikes you, follow him to Las Vegas, or sic a voluptuous woman on him in a bar and secretly...

TAGS: police union political activity, public safety unions

Police Unions in America

By Edward Ring
The first thing we have to understand is that without the law, we have nothing. It turns into a situation of savage against barbarian, of the powerful against the powerless.  It turns into a situation of dog eat dog, unrestricted, without restraints or consideration of anybody’s humanity. –  Dr. Harry Edwards, POPSspot Sports Radio Interview,...

TAGS: Kelly Thomas, public safety unions

How Much Do Los Angeles Police Officers Make?

By Edward Ring
There’s a deep seated frustration and anger among the rank and file due to their low pay. Det. Tyler Izen – President, Los Angeles Police Protective League, July 28, 2014, KTLA Channel 5 Low pay, of course, is relative. It’s very difficult to objectively determine what a police officer should be paid. There aren’t jobs in...

TAGS: Los Angeles, Los Angeles Police Protective League, public safety unions, total compensation

Conservative Politicians and Public Safety Unions

By Edward Ring
As reported by investigative journalist John Hrabe, conservative gubernatorial candidate Tim Donnelly has accepted money from public safety unions in his legislative campaigns. His support from unions wasn’t a momentary lapse in judgement. As cited in Hrabe’s reports, his past candidacies have also benefited from independent expenditure campaigns funded by public sector unions. To not report...

TAGS: crony capitalism, Jim Brulte, public safety unions, public sector unions

When Will Conservative Candidates Stop Accepting Public Sector Union Money?

By John Hrabe
Part One: Tim Donnelly’s anti-union rhetoric doesn’t match his pro-union record: Public employee unions are a reliable target of California’s self-styled “patriot, not politician.” “California’s governor and legislature have shown a complete disregard for the needs of businesses and working families, and have instead caved to unions and special interest supporters,” Assemblyman Tim Donnelly writes...

TAGS: public safety unions, public sector unions