“Who ya gonna believe – me, or your own eyes?”

By Larry Sand
Teachers unions continue to bash charter schools in spite of their success and popularity. When it comes to charter schools, the teachers unions are nothing if not relentless. From Mike Antonucci we learn that the California Teachers Association is in the process of developing and promoting resolutions, which local unions can introduce at school board meetings...

TAGS: California Teachers Association, Charter schools, CREDO, Eva Moskowitz, Larry Sand, Lily Eskelsen Garcia, Marcus Winters, Matthew Ladner, Mike Antonucci, National Education Association, Patrick Wolf, Success Academy, teachers union

In public ed, money doesn’t always produce quality

By R. Claire Friend
Three of the nation’s five most expensive schools are in the Los Angeles Unified School District. Each ranks among the lowest performing schools in California. With a $578 million price tag, Robert F. Kennedy Learning Center is the most expensive school ever built. Boasting an auditorium modeled after the famous Coconut Grove nightclub, a state-of-the-art...

TAGS: A Nation at Risk, Eva Moskowitz, Los Angeles Unfied School District, Success Academy

NAACP: Now Advocating Against Colored People

By Larry Sand
The once righteous civil rights organization is now in thrall to the teachers unions. From the horrors of lynching to the injustice of forced school segregation, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People has been there fighting for the rights of black people. But that has changed, at least in the realm of...

TAGS: American Federation of Teachers, charter school, Eva Moskowitz, Larry Sand, NAACP, National Education Association, RiShawn Biddle, Success Academy

After Parent Trigger – A Success Model for Palm Lane Elementary School

By R. Claire Friend
If the parent activists at Palm Lane Elementary School are successful in their battle to invoke SB54, the Parent Trigger Law, they would be well advised to study the network of high-performing charter schools in New York City founded by former teacher and City Councilwoman Eva Moskowitz as the template for the school it must...

TAGS: Palm Lane, Palm Lane Elementary School, Parent Trigger, parent trigger law, Success Academy