Responding to Romney’s Critics

By Larry Sand
Regarding education reform, Romney needs to pound on the facts, leaving his detractors to pound on the table. Recently Mitt Romney laid out his education vision in a speech at the Latino Coalition’s annual economic summit in Washington D.C. The Republican candidate for president didn’t mince words. He said that we are in the midst...

TAGS: Eric Hanushek, Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice, Greg Forster, Jay Mathews, Lindsey Burke, No Child Left Behind, Randi Weingarten, small class size, teachers union

Good Teachers: Beware The Ides of March

By Larry Sand
Julius Caesar came to a bad end on March 15th, the same date many good teachers were warned that they may be unemployed in June. “Nearly 20,000 Teacher Pink Slips Statewide Show Drastic Need for More Education Funding” screamed the headline on the California Teachers Association website. First, let’s straighten out the union spin. Typically...

TAGS: California Teachers Association, Eric Hanushek, last in first out, seniority

Tenure for Teachers: Enough is Enough

By Larry Sand
Every year untold thousands of school kids are harmed by teachers who shouldn’t be allowed in a classroom. Parents must be given an opportunity to send their children elsewhere. A teacher arrives at work high on drugs…daily. A teacher regularly flies into rages, terrifying kids and coworkers. A teacher talks in explicit terms about sex...

TAGS: Education Action Group, Eric Hanushek, National School Choice Week, school choice, teacher tenure, teachers unions