How to Opt Out of Public Sector Unions

By Jared Meyer
This week is National Employee Freedom Week, a nationwide effort of 81 groups in 45 states to raise awareness among public union employees that they can opt out of membership in their unions. Groups also provide members with the necessary help and resources to do so. Victor Joecks, executive vice president at the Nevada Policy Research...

TAGS: "free rider", agency fees, forced unionization, National Employee Freedom Week, Nevada Policy Research Institute

Three Ways California Governments Try To Avoid Transparency

By Robert Fellner
Few politicians or government officials publicly oppose transparency in government. After all, transparency isn’t just about information; it’s a tangible acknowledgment that government officials work for citizens, not the other way around. Still, there’s a big difference between mouthing support for transparency and actually fulfilling public records requests as required by California’s Public Records Act.,...

TAGS: California Policy Center, California Public Records Act, Nevada Policy Research Institute,

Americans Should Know They Have Choices In The Workplace

By Larry Sand
In the summer of 2012, the Nevada Policy Research Institute, a non-partisan think tank based in Las Vegas, initiated a campaign to let local teachers know that they could opt out of their union, the 12,000 member Clark County Education Association, by submitting written notice between July 1 and July 15. The reaction was dazzling....

TAGS: California Teachers Association, National Employee Freedom Week, Nevada Policy Research Institute, Right to Work

Workers of the World, Your Rights!

By Larry Sand
A week in June is being promoted to advise workers of their right to opt out of union membership. Unknown to many employees throughout the country – especially in non-right-to-work states – they have a right to not belong to a union. This year, June 23rd – 29th is being dedicated to informing America’s wage...

TAGS: agency fee payer, California Teachers Empowerment Network, Heritage Foundation, James Sherk, Larry Sand, Mike Antonucci, National Employee Freedom Week, National Right to Work Foundation, Nevada Policy Research Institute, Right to Work, teachers union